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How to Choose between Reflowable Vs Fixed Format?

SunTec India
How to Choose between Reflowable Vs Fixed Format?

Amidst the Pandemic, the global focus has turned to in-house entertainment and informational solutions. Digital publishing has not only supplied that requirement very well but also received a revenue boost and multiplied user base in return. However, most self-published authors and publishing houses face a common dilemma- When publishing an eBook in the ePub format, which is the best layout for their eBook? 

Both of these are prominent ePub layouts with unique advantages. However, their best usage differs by book type, target audience, device, screen sizes, content orientation, etc. So, when choosing one, how can you decide what’s best for your eBook?

Here’s a proper explanation to make your Reflowable vs. Fixed layout debate easier. Check out how each of these formats is used, their strengths and weaknesses, and when they should be used ideally to ensure positive returns.

Also, Check The Infographics & Amazing Blog For A Detailed Comparison: 

Reflowable or Fixed Layout – Which is the Best Layout?

You can Outsource Fixed layout ePub conversion services & Reflowable layout conversion to our highly skilled eBook development team or your query at info@suntecindia.com to know more.

SunTec India
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