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What happens if I cannot pay a loan?

What happens if I cannot pay a loan?

Unforeseen circumstances can be such that you can no longer pay and face your monthly credit payments: loss of job, death, illness, etc ...

This non-payment, also called bad credit, can lead to a breach of contract and serious consequences. And you have the right to ask yourself: What happens if I cannot pay a loan?

If you cannot pay your credit, you will most likely receive a notice of default warning that if it happens again, you could be referred to an outside collection agency or taken to court.

I can't pay a credit

However, we know that there are circumstances that may occur, so to be able to help you, contact

online payday loans for bad credit soon as possible to grant you online payday loans for bad credit

We make fast online loans of up to € 800 and € 300 for new clients with a repayment period of up to 30 days. It is a quick and easy process to do from wherever you are. We send it immediately to your account.

Next, we will tell you what can happen if you do not pay a loan on time.

What happens if I cannot pay a loan on time? - 3 Things that can happen

Failure to make payments on a loan means that you have missed a payment or have not been able to pay the agreed total required amount within a maximum period of time.

Let's take a look at what happens if you can't make a quick loan repayment:

1- The lender can resort to the seizure of assets

The lender, in case of non-payment of the credit, can proceed to seize your assets according to the methods defined by law:

After sending a formal notice by registered letter, if you have not yet settled the payment of your easy credit, the lender can request the property lien order you to pay.

If you don't pay your mortgage, the property on which the loan was made can also be repossessed.

If you face a default on your credit, the lender, after the reminders, can terminate your contract and request a refund of the latter.

2- You can be sued

As part of the options available to the lender, after a formal notice and / or conciliation attempts, the latter can sue you through the courts for the reimbursement of unpaid credit.


Therefore, you may be ordered to pay the loan amount and interest on late payment.  This ruling must be served by a bailiff.  If you still haven't paid off your debts, you may have a foreclosure on your wages or your property.


3- You are less likely to get a new loan


When faced with a bad loan, you can find yourself on the blacklist. Even if each lender defines its own policy for approving a loan, you should check the blacklist before granting it.

If you are on the list, the lender cannot grant you a loan under any circumstances.


It is important to comply on time with the payments of an assumed loan. When you accept a loan, remember to be clear about its conditions.

A loan is a serious commitment where both parties agree to comply with the indicated clauses. If you cannot afford it, always try to choose to find a friendly solution with your lender.

Where to ask for a quick loan

Faced with minimal financial difficulties, it is good to know where to ask for a quick loan. Quick and easy loans are loan products designed to address short-term financial difficulties.


As the name implies, these loans are quickly disbursed within hours of application.


These loans usually have very minimal documentation, and the process is mostly done online. There are many lenders in Spain that offer quick loans, however at Ibercredito.es we offer you Microloans that are designed to provide you with that much-needed help immediately (less than 1 hour).

Customers can check these credits and request them online to get the best deal.

fast payday loans online

I need a fast loan online. What do I need to apply for it?

We make it easy for you to apply for a quick cash loan. For new users, we offer up to € 300. Here are the requirements we have for you:


You must be 21 years or older

Have a bank account capable of accepting electronic transfers

Provide a valid phone number and email address

Have residence in Spain with DNI or NIE.

Advantages of our online Microloans

A quick cash loan can come in handy in countless situations.


You can withhold your bills and expenses while you wait for your payroll.

It can be helpful when an unexpected situation arises, such as a mechanical problem with your car.

A short-term loan can also prevent you from incurring overdraft charges.

If you have concerns or doubts about borrowing money from a family member or friend, a quick cash loan with us can be a viable alternative.

Advantages of our online Microloans

Just keep in mind ...

Quick loans online should be viewed as a short-term financial solution, not a long-term practice. You should only get one if you know you can return it on time. This is how you will avoid falling into a debt trap.

There are many fast loan entities throughout Spain. Keep in mind, however, that many quick loan providers don't reward good customers. Even if you pay your loans on time, their rates and terms never change.

Important to know ...

When you need a fast loan online, it is important that you know well where to ask for a fast loan. You need to make sure that your quick credits are transparent and easy to use.


It is recommended that you opt for payday loans online same day deposit that provides you peace of mind and security. Remember that when you acquire a quick loan, you assume a commitment that you must fulfill with responsibility.

You choose the exact amount of the loan you need and the day of the repayment

You can make the return by transfer, bank deposit with card, calling or from your client area

Because we will try to help you if you have problems with the return.

Never forget it, our mission will always be to give you a hand.






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