There are some FAQs about trademark and its registration. If you have any query or question about trademark registration then can easily find your answer through this blog. If you not find your question you can call on 9716936280 and get immediate answer of your question related to trademark.

File your trademark registration application with Regalguru.
For this you have to submit some important documents are required to be submitted.
Visit given below post and get complete detail about these documents.https://regalguru.in/blog/documents-required-for-trademark-registration/

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven emirates in the Middle East which was established in 1971. https://www.kashishworld.com/blog/intellectual-property-rights-in-uae/

Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design or a combination of those that identify and distinguish the source of goods of one party from those of others.
So your trademark is studiously crafted personality of your product or services or your company or Institution.
A trademark is a “brand” or “logo” that you can use to distinguish your product from those of your competitors.
Through trademark registration or you can say logo registration/brand registration, you can protect your brand or logo by restricting other people from using the same.Owners of trademarks have exclusive rights to use trademark under the categories they are registered in (there is a total of 45 categories, called classes).
Only Trademarks that are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 provides the trademark owner right to sue for damages when infringements of trademarks occur.