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Top Oucica air purifier KJ380 only at Huntkey

En Huntkey
Top Oucica air purifier KJ380 only at Huntkey

Are you considering buying a home air purifier? You may compare different models, brands and looking for the top air purifier manufacturer in China.

To make your choice reasonable, many sites are suggesting Huntkey. Huntkey brings this list of the top featured photocatalyst air purifier and degerming air purifier.

Use Oucica air purifier KJ380 to enjoy a better environment

Huntkey is one of the leading company that specializes in the development of photo-catalyst air purifiers. Oucica air purifier KJ380 is a good choice for air quality improvement in a large space.

Features of Oucica air purifier KJ380:

1. High purification efficiency
2. 5 levels of air volume adjustment
3. Low noise level
4. No need to replace filters
5. No secondary pollution
6. Provide child lock

About Huntkey

Founded in 1995, Huntkey is a leading provider of PC power supplies, power strips, surge protectors, laptop adapters, phone chargers, monitors and air purifiers. Huntkey is an Asia renowned brand, a member of The International Power Supply Manufacturer’s Association (PSMA) and China Power Supply Society (CPSS). Covering approximately 1,000,000 square meters added up from three industrial parks, Huntkey is one of the most famous brands and largest companies in mainland China. It is headquartered in Shenzhen, with branch offices in the US, Japan and Hong Kong, and with cooperating factories in Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina and India. For more information visit https://en.huntkey.com

In 2020, Huntkey introduced its latest photocatalyst air purifier - the desktop air purifier globally. The desktop air purifier is designed portable and can efficiently remove chemical vapors, odors, haze particles, and many more air pollutants. For more information visit https://en.huntkey.com/products/air-purifiers

En Huntkey
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