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Online Virtual E-commerce Store with 3D, AR and VR Technologies

Vishal shah
Online Virtual E-commerce Store with 3D, AR and VR Technologies

Hello and welcome to XcelTec Interactive Private Limited - A CMMI Level 3 Company! 

We offer special services & solutions that will help optimize your online shop. You can choose different options such as patterns, fabrics, colors, design etc. Created with the assistance of extended reality tools, a web virtual store bridges the gap between digital and real-life shopping in a sort of way. Augmented reality and 3D modeling are key technologies of a virtual store wont to create real-like product presentations and virtual try-ons; interactive user manuals and intelligent chatbots help to duplicate in-store experience for online customers. 

Features of Virtual Ecommerce Store

  • New Design and Interaction
  • Allow Customers to Schedule and Interact with personal Shoppers
  • 24/7 Conversations 
  • Easy Access
  • Good quality product photos with image zoom

Virtual stores are a subsequent big thing in ecommerce. Offering endless new opportunities for brands to present their goods to customers—the digital combat of a true shopping experience is about to be huge. Virtual stores offer brands the prospect to rapidly improve engagement and enhance the experience customers enjoy while shopping.

There are a lot of things that will be needed to work for an E-commerce website & application development like Unity 3D, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) etc.

Technologies Stack Unity 3D, C#, NodeJS and MYSQL

Blog URL: https://www.xceltec.com/ecommerce/online-virtual-e-commerce-store-with-3d-ar-and-vr-technologies/

For more information about our virtual ecommerce store and the services we offer, call us at +91-987-979-9459 & +1-919-400-9200 or drop us an email at sales@xceltec.com for any queries! You can also visit us at https://www.xceltec.com to learn more about our services!

Vishal shah
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