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Google Analytics Heat Mapping in 2021: Complete Review and Alternatives

abtin bahramian
Google Analytics Heat Mapping in 2021: Complete Review and Alternatives


Are Google Analytics heat maps accurate and how do they work? A large number of website owners would definitely prefer Google Analytics heat mapping since it is one of the most widely used tools for tracking website traffic. Data from Google Analytics can be visualized to make it easier to understand.

How to use Google Analytics heat maps and what information it provides will be discussed in this post. An alternative that can help you optimize your website will be introduced afterward.

All you need to know about Google Analytics heat mapping in 2021 is right here.

What Is Heat Map Analytics and How Can It Help Me?

What is a heat map? Let's look at one before we dive into Google Analytics heat mapping. In a heat map, numerical data is visualized with the use of colors. As a result of the heat map, website owners can immediately make sense of their quantitative data.


Colors are arranged on a scale from red to blue on a heat map (see below). On a web page, red is the most common color, and blue is the least popular color. You may use heat maps to see what your website visitors are doing on your site. Their use facilitates the identification of problems, their remediation and the optimization of your website based on user behavior.

for complete article: google analytics heat mapping

abtin bahramian
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