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Sync your Family Tree Maker 2019 – Live Chat Support

Nemo knight
Sync your Family Tree Maker 2019 – Live Chat Support

In this blog, we have tried to explain how to sync your family tree maker properly. If you follow this instruction, you will learn to sync your family tree maker 2019 or later version.

Sync your Family Tree Maker 2019

  • compacting

If you are ready to sync your tree, you should compact your tree first (it shortens your file size). A short file size gives you less error than a bigger size file. When you compact your tree, try to compact it several times until it shows reduced by 0%, do remember to check the box that says, “extend analysis”. If there will be any error, it will fix it.

  • Take a Back up

Before you start syncing your tree, you should take a full manual backup. If anything goes wrong with sync or the data you have, you will not lose all your data. You will have back to go back to, and you will not lose any of your information. You should make sure to check the box that says, “including media”.

  • Syncing time

You should try to sync your tree early morning of the next day. If you have started working on your tree and finished doing everything and now you are ready to sync your tree, then you should try to upload your tree to ancestry the next day early morning. Or you should try to upload it late at night. These two are the best time according to us.

  • Way to sync

You should always sync your tree manually. You will have an option to include media. Automatic backup does not cover the media option and this will not save your media. Please remember not to change your tree name or tree file. If you will change and try to sync ancestry will create a different tree on their server on our website and you may get confused later. 

So, this is how you can sync your family tree maker 2019 or later version properly.

Note : We are Tane Innovative Concepts LLC, we provide premium help on FTM software. Please remember we charge for our services. We do not have any links or connections with Mackiev or Ancestry. If you need our help, Please chat With our  Family Tree Maker Support Experts.

Our latest blog – Fix missing media and corrupt file in family Tree Maker

You can Contact us Family Tree Maker Support Number to get your issue resolved. We provide phone support 24×7. Family Tree Maker Support number is +1-888-299-3207. So, you can call for help.

Nemo knight
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