AI Products 

DeskTrack vs WorkPuls

Desk Track
DeskTrack vs WorkPuls

DeskTrack and WrokPuls look familiar to each other when we look at the mission they tend to serve but when you have a deeper look you will come to know why to choose DeskTrack over WorkPuls. By referring to the features we have created a comparison chart and there is detailed information to help you choose the best one.

Why Organizations Choose DeskTrack

DeskTrack provides a user-friendly dashboard, and a simple graphical representation is designed to make it easier for you to locate the information you are looking for in less time. It also provides Admin with the ability to export the activity reports of their employees, making it easier to run businesses 

Amazing features of DeskTrack:

It provides both cloud and on-premises based solution

Helps to increase workplace security

Helps to improve employees efficiency

Multi-User Management:

The software helps to identify the work of individuals when two or more individuals are working on the same desktop. And create separate reports for both individuals.

Automate Time Tracking:

The software provides automated time tracking reports without any human involvement. The total time, idle time, meeting hours, projects working all can be automated and easily organized by the software.

Budget and Costing:

Software track timing spent on each task of any project by this one can easily estimate the costing of the project. This will help you to reduce the project costing and can have an estimation for upcoming projects.

Reports Available on Mobile:

This helps to record the apps used with their total time with this one can identify apps that are essential for their work and can set the time limit on app usage. Even the total time spent on whitelisted apps are counted as productive hours.

There are many advantages of DeskTrack which you will come to know when you start using DeskTrack for your organization. Few are mentioned here from where you can get an idea about DeskTrack. The software is mainly developed to monitor the needs of an organization in this contemporary era.

What are you looking for?

Easy to use user interface and economical costing start using Productivity Monitoring Tool for your organization. Try and realize its advantages by yourself

Why Organizations Choose WrokPuls

With Workpuls, you can monitor your employees with a time-tracking tool and automatically map their timetables. Business can therefore identify their top performers and their laggards. Furthermore, it can help businesses identify and correct time-consuming, challenging work activities that interfere with productivity. It is possible to gain insight into your employee’s browser behavior, website usage as well as productivity on specific days, weeks, and months.

Apps and Websites Usage:

Identify which apps and websites are most used by employees, teams, or by the entire organization.

Activity Tracking:

During your employees’ working hours, keep an eye on all their computer activity. It will be calculated for you when you are active and idle.

Productivity Labeling:

On a team or individual basis, rate the use of apps and sites as productive, unproductive, and neutral.

Productivity Tracking:

Automatically tracks your productivity metrics based on the labels you specify, and how much time you spend in those apps.

Desk Track
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