best schools in gurgaon :- At the HDFC School Gurgaon, learning is done through exploration, inquiry and expression. It’s what set us apart from most other good schools in Gurgaon.

schools near sector 57:- At the HDFC School Gurgaon, learning is done through exploration, inquiry and expression.
It’s what set us apart from most other good schools in Gurgaon.

cbse affiliated schools in gurgaon , At HDFC School Gurgaon, learning is done through exploration, inquiry and expression.
It’s what set us apart from most other good schools in Gurgaon.

Play is the most organic aspect of a child.
Play in nursery schools in Gurgaon plays an important role in shaping the child.
It is their primary tool to help them understand the social environment around them.
While playing the child can express and learn to effectively communicate their needs.During the child's stay in school, the playtime is used by them to try to get along with other people.
This essentially means that the nursery schools have to offer more rigorous hands changing exposure to the students to make them well prepared for the primary learning that follows preschool.
However, this does not mean to burden the kids with information more than they can effectively decipher.The choils have a limited time of their love to be spent on preschool.