Are you looking for the best exchange in India to buy Yocoin with INR? Then, you have landed at the right place. By using this guide, you can easily buy, sell, and exchange YOC to INR on Koinbazar. Before we get into this, let's see an overview of Yocoin.
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What is Yocoin (YOC)?
YOC is a fully decentralized platform. Its main functionality is to create and place smart contracts and the decentralized application on its basis. We can't estimate the advantages of these applications since they minimize the risks connected with the different activities. This platform allows involves a simple and convenient way to use the full resource of the most advanced technologies are using nowadays.
Yocoin (YOC) is a cryptocurrency that has a total supply of 554,925,923 with 369,659,254.54 in circulation. Users can generate YOC through the mining process. The last known price of Yocoin is about $0.0009312.
How to buy Yocoin with INR on Koinbazar?
To buy YOC with INR here, follow the step mentioned below,
Step 1:
Visit Koinbazar.
Step 2:
If you are already a registered user, choose 'SIGN IN' at the top right corner of the website to log into your account. If you are a new user, click 'SIGN UP' in the top-right corner to register your account.
Step 3:
After you sign into the account, choose "MY ACCOUNT" at the top right corner of the page. Update the requested details to build your profile.
Step 4:
Choose KYC verification under "MY ACCOUNT".
Step 5:
Update the KYC authentication section requested details and identity certificates should be updated and then click 'SAVE'.
Step 6:
Choose 'BANK DETAILS' and update your required information. Then, click "SUBMIT". Once the admin approved, you will be able to deposit and withdraw your funds from your Koinbazar wallet.
Step 7:
Once the admin approved your bank details, Choose "Funds" from the top right corner of the menu and select "Deposit".
Step 8:
Choose the "Fiat" option from the deposit. Your desired funds are to be deposited in the form of fiat currency.
Step 9:
Then choose the 'Manual Deposit' option and update the required information and also instant INR deposit options available. Your transferred amount will be credited to your Koinbazar wallet after being reviewed by the admin.
Step 10:
Once your funds get deposited, go to the home page and select ‘TRADE’.
Step 11:
On the trading page, choose the "INR" market and select YOC/INR pair to buy Yocoin in India instantly at the low transaction fee.
Step 12:
At the bottom left of the page, start trading by setting the order type and order value you would like to buy.