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10 interesting and affordable ideas for Employee Appreciation Day!

Amazing Work Places
10 interesting and affordable ideas for Employee Appreciation Day!

Employee Appreciation Day, is right around the corner on March 2nd. There is so much you can do to express appreciation for the people who work at your organization. You want to show your employees that you appreciate them. But you also don’t want to spend an exorbitant amount of money demonstrating your gratitude.

This is a predicament many organizations find themselves in. They want to reward their workers, but they don’t necessarily have a huge budget for it.

The good news? Employee appreciation doesn’t necessarily have to cut your pockets deep. And even if you don’t have the budget for a huge bash, it’s better to recognize your team members in small ways than to not do anything at all.

The key thing is to know how individual employees want to and like to be recognized and get engaged. Customizing rewards and organizing engagement activities will ensure that each of your valued workers feels appreciated and involved.

Fun Ideas

Dress for Fun: Give a free hand to employees to dress up in their best outfits. Let them get creative and casual for a day and give away awards to the best-dressed employees.

Convert the office into a fun zone: For a few hours, turn your workplace into a fun activity zone. Invite a standup comedian, let there be photo opt booths, tarot readings, fun games, Caricature artists, etc.

Showcasing employee talent: Organize an extempore talent contest for employees, where the top 5 winners can be given get gift vouchers.

Treat Ideas

Chocolates & Sweets: Distribute Chocolates or candy bars with a personal thank-you note to all employees. This can be initiated by team leaders.

Continue reading 10 interesting and affordable ideas for Employee Appreciation Day!

Amazing Work Places
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