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Bashpa Shea Butter Body Lotion | SSCPL Herbals

Bashpa Shea Butter Body Lotion | SSCPL Herbals

When you think of a moisturizinglotion, what comes to mind? Something that absorbs into the skin quickly anddoesn't leave behind an oily residue. Try Bashpa Shea Butter Body Lotion forultimate hydration with just one application.

·        SSCPL Herbals BashpaShea Butter Body Lotion is a natural skin lotion that produces the benefits ofshea butter without any synthetic ingredients. This body lotion moisturizesyour skin for up to 24 hours with only one application.

·        The texture ofthis body butter will leave your skin feeling soft without leaving behind anoily residue. This luxury formula also has antioxidant properties which help tofight aging caused by free radicals such as ultra violet light damage orpollution exposure.

·        Bashpa Shea Butter Body Lotion is a nourishing and hydrating lotion to moisturize the skin.Bashpa's formula combines shea butter, Olive Oil,Cocoa Butter, Almond oil, Vitamin E, Aloe Veragel extract for healing effects on damaged cells in your body caused bypollution or other factors that can cause premature aging of our bodies. 


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