Scriptstore.in are provide Taxi Booking Script For Travel and Business, Our TAXI BOOKING SCRIPT features would be. Every business wishes to be one or the other way the same and if you want to start a site Readymade Taxi Booking Script provides Distance Calculator for the convenience of the user, this helps to find the distance between the source and destination. Our for all our online Cab Booking System accessible. It comes with the website and Mobile Applications. Our Ready-made Cab Booking System is that the simplest Cab Booking Clone Script with a structured operating flow and required options to instantly starter motor the travel Business. Our online taxi booking system can assist you to improve your client service and manage your taxi transfer business additional expeditiously. you'll be able to add as several cabs and extras as you will provide. Our extremely customizable taxi booking script suits several online taxi business models. So, no matter may even be your online taxi business ideas, our meticulously engineered taxi booking script with futurist options and functionalities adapts fleetly and swimmingly.
- Secure Payments
- Time Saving
- Best 24/7 Customer Support
- Booking offers
- Alerts Or Notifications
- Membership Approval
- Payment Integration
- User Friendly
- Real Time Pricing
- Customer Satisfaction
- Online Cancellation/Refund
- Booking Amendments
- Travel Advisory Services
- Destination Management
- Best Deals Guaranteed
- Affiliate Model
- Multiple Payment Options
Contact :
Mobile : +91 7339131505
Landline : +0431 4000616
Email : support@doditsolutions.in , info@doditsolutions.com
For More: http://scriptstore.in/product/taxi-booking-script/