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mercury in 6th house

Cassa Imperia
mercury in 6th house

Mercury in 6th house being here makes you wise. You are a confident and manly person. They can be logical and full of humor. But in many cases, you can be a serious speaker. You need to build good relations with your brothers.

You may also have differences with some people. However, you can block a group of enemies, not just one enemy. But till the age of thirty-seven, you will be afraid of the enemy. But at the age of 30, you can be friends with a very famous person. There may be obstacles in your education. Some renegade servants may trouble you.

Most of the expenditure made by you will be used for a good cause. It is possible to live a decent job and make money with the strength of your muscles. You might be interested in writing assignments. You can become a good chemist or you can earn a living from a newspaper or printing company.

Cassa Imperia
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