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3 Tips To Reduce Your Average Water Consumption


Wash hands, drink a glass of tap water, flush the toilet, wash clothes, rinse vegetables, water the plants, and take a shower. One thing is certain: water is very important for people and our planet. A person consumes an average of about 95 liters per day. This seems like a lot, but compared to the 1990s, average water consumption has already fallen sharply.

Where exactly does the water you use go? Household water consumption can be divided into different parts. 36% go to the bath, shower and sink, 31% to flushing the toilet. The remaining percentage goes to washing your clothes, cleaning, the dishes, and drinks and food.

On average, a home can use between 70 and 80 gallons of water each day. Having green plumbing solutions installed by a professional Scottsdale plumbing service can reduce that number by 15 to 20 gallons of water each day.

If we want to raise our groundwater level again, we will have to continue this downward trend. Here are tips for using water sustainably   and conserving water all year round.

Tip 1: Reduce and Reuse

Liters of precious water are lost without actually being consumed. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and place a bowl under the tap while you wait for the water to warm to shower or wash dishes. You can use this water afterwards to, for example, water your plants or rinse your vegetables.

Tip 2: Use rainwater

We live in a rainy country. Ideal for replenishing our water supply. Install a cistern, cistern or barrel and use the collected water for household tasks that do not require potable tap water. With a filter and pump system, the rainwater can be purified and used for your shower, toilet, dishwasher and so on.

Tip 3: Make some small adjustments

Your average water consumption is related to your profile, lifestyle and habits. How you deal with water, who you live with and what you own play a major role. You can save water by adjusting a few simple things in your daily life.

Toilet: A normal flush is 12 liters. If you have a double rinse function, you can save half as much water by pressing the saving button.

Shower or bath: opt for a quick shower. By taking a bath you can use up to 60 liters more. Close the tap while rubbing and soaking in your shampoo, conditioner or hair mask.

Dishes: Use collected water to rinse dishes or wipe leftovers from your plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

Living together: Living alone often costs more than living together. In addition to sharing the joint costs, you also use less water together. So you only have to clean one house for several people. Do you live alone in a big house or are your children out of the house? Then co-housing or might be something for you.

Swimming pool: A swimming pool may drastically increases your water consumption. Therefore, look at all the options, such as a swimming pond, that you can choose to limit your water consumption.

Appliances: Older appliances often use more energy and water than new ones. Is it time to buy a new washing machine or dishwasher? Check the water and electricity label carefully and only wash when your drum is full.

Wash your car: wash your car with a bucket instead of a garden hose.

Garden Watering: Maintaining a green lawn during a dry summer is a chore when you have to conserve water.

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