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Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga In Astrology

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga In Astrology

Bhanga Raj Yoga is said to be one of the most important yoga in astrology. If the person has this raj yoga in his natal chart, he owns mastery, success, powerfulness, and virtuousness. The effects of the weakened planets are negative and in turn, it makes the person strongly willed. This negative experience given by weak or malefic planet sculptures the person and his energy in a proper direction, and it helps him to gain success. The word itself has two split words. Neecha Bhanga means cancellation of debilitation and Raj yoga means a combo of victory and power.

 Neecha Graha is the situation of any planet in its debilitated sign. When the malefic impact is reduced due to the planetary alignment, and the weakness of Neecha Graha is negated, then this situation is called as Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga.


The Effects Of Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga

 The effects of Neecha planets are felt often during the dasha period and sub-Dasa period. Since the planets show their power in their tine period the Dasa period of the particular Neecha planet remains dangerous for the native. On the contrary, when the Neecha planet forms into raja yoga, a particular dasha period will become beneficial and useful.
neecha bhanga raja yoga

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