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What is Shopping Feed and How Important Is It for Ecommerce Store

What is Shopping Feed and How Important Is It for Ecommerce Store

If you are a merchant selling your products through Amazon, and wanting to get a higher ranking in search results such as “free shipping” or “lowest price within 100 miles” as well as boost sales from their promotional offers, then you need to have a product feed.


Product feeds are a way to get your products “in front” of shoppers, by letting online shoppers search for a product and find your items easily. They are also used by the major channels to power their advanced search and recommendation engines.

In their most basic form, product data feeds contain specific information about products. This information is used by merchants’ channels like Amazon and Google to display product listings for websites.


Feeds are meant to be used as a source of up-to-date product information for each marketplace. They’re synchronized with your Shopify POS so that you can make sure the correct product price and other data are set on your product pages.

Why are Product Feeds so important for your Ecommerce Store?

Product feeds are weird. They have to be as specific and technical as possible without alienating the user. What most merchants don’t know is that they can do a lot more to optimize product feeds than just getting the data into place.


But if you can’t do any better than simply copy and paste your products’ titles, descriptions, and other attributes into a plain text document for distribution to multiple channels, think about improving the way you deliver product data.


Your product data set feeds are the most important part of your campaigns. Product data represents what you have to offer, and it gives buyers confidence that what they’re finding in your ads is actually available for purchase.


The more complete and accurate your product feed data, the better chance you have of showing up in searches on shopping channels’ platforms. Whether you’re launching your first campaign or looking to expand your presence, the quality and quantity of your product data is an important factor in generating traffic for your products. 


And if you’ve ever tried to generate a product feed from scratch, you know that it requires a fair amount of time,


Benefits of having an optimized Product Feed

Optimizing your product feed helps customers find the best products more easily. Since Shopify’s search algorithm takes CTR into account, optimizing your product feed can help get customers to your site more quickly and increase sales.

Data Accuracy

Imagine you’re a product manager who wants to make some changes to your product line, what do you do? If you’re a spreadsheet ninja, you can update the master file and slowly go through each channel and update them one by one.


A big part of inventory management is making sure your product data matches up with what’s in your warehouse. If you have inaccurate product data, the actual inventory numbers won’t match the channel-reported numbers, which will lead to inaccurate sales and inventory reporting.

Flexible Product Data

Product Feeds allow you to dynamically modify and enhance your product data according to the requirements of any marketing channel.

Hence they are the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal. They allow you to define how products appear on third-party sites and social media platforms or promote them across your own channels in a way that resonates with your audience.

Better Quality Scores 

Your product feed is what channels like Amazon use to decide which listings to put in front of shoppers’ eyes. With better, more complete product data, you can win every time. If you sell online, you’ve got 1 shot. 


The algorithms that decide what listings to show shoppers are going by your product data. 

The quality of how you describe your products will directly impact how successful they are online—and in-store. Hence, having better quality scores is important.

Why use FeedGeni to Optimize Shopify Product Feeds?

FeedGeni is the easiest way to generate and manage product feeds and listings in Shopify. It is an app that lets you create and manage product feeds in 5 minutes without any programming skills or technical knowledge. 

You just need to select products from your Shopify store, select channels where you want to add the feed – Facebook shop, Google Shopping, Bing, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. And it’s done!


FeedGeni enables you to create, manage and optimize product feeds for 20+ shopping channels in many countries. This includes handling images, prices, descriptions, and other fields for any number of products on your website..


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