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Try these for the low-budget carpet cleaning and faster drying

Try these for the low-budget carpet cleaning and faster drying

You might feel sometimes that your DIY carpet cleaning might not be enough even after putting hard efforts, but drying is the main purpose of carpet cleaning. It’s important to dry the carpet efficiently or else it will sting a strong odour inside the house.

Carpet cleaning services don’t have to be a stressful task. With the proper care and maintenance and healthy habits, anyone can maintain the carpet in good condition and prolong the life of the carpet.

Take the advice of professional Carpet Cleaning Geelong Company, in case your carpet is damaged in flood,

There are two main easy ways to prevent the carpet from getting dirty,

➢    Take care of the stains

If you want to prolong your carpet life, you need to take care of your regular habits and try to prevent spills as much as you can. Changing regular habits can help to maintain the carpet clean and increase its durability.

In case of any spills or stains, clean the carpet immediately using the effective carpet cleaning solutions product. Always prefer mild carpet cleaner to prevent damage to the high quality carpet fibres and preserve its fine quality.

➢    Use vacuum regularly

Bacteria and allergens form within the time hence it is important to dry cleaning and vacuum the carpet every week to get rid of mould, allergens, and dirt.

Amazing hacks to dry carpet with low maintenance:

1)    Rent a dry carpet cleaner from nearby stores

You might have seen the dry carpet cleaner in the various stores, it is widely used by many homeowners to dry the carpet. The dry carpet cleaner is basically the sponge-like material that is sprinkled on the carpet.

Buying a dry carpet cleaning service is cost-effective as compared to renting a steam cleaning machine and purchasing the chemicals. A dry carpet cleaner can work as a life-saving at the time of emergency to dry the carpet faster.

2)    Brush the carpet

This technique might require little effort. But if you have average size carpet and you don’t mind putting effort into drying the carpet then grab a brush and start brushing the carpet. There are wide ranges of carpet drying brushes available in the market.

You can easily dry the carpet in a half hour if the room is of average size.

3)    Drying carpet using a wet large sponge

This drying technique is suitable for smaller areas. In case you got your carpet stained suddenly and you have a meeting or guest arriving at your home. If you don’t afford dry carpet cleaner or carpet drying brush.

You can dry the carpet by using a damp wet sponge on the carpet. Rubbing the damp sponge will make the carpet dry and follow it by vacuuming to dry the carpet completely.

Above are some of the low-maintenance carpet drying methods that can help to increase the speed of carpet drying and give it a longer life. Though there are many home remedies that can also help to reduce the drying time of the carpet.

Every little thing matters when it is about carpet drying. You can try running a fan, opening a window to increase the drying. Also turning the air conditioning would help to reduce the dry time of the rug. Purchasing blow-dry from a nearby store can be a cost-effective solution for carpet drying.


Hope you found the above blog useful and helpful in drying the carpet. If you are running out of budget, then try the above methods to dry the carpet faster. At oz cleaning Geelong, we are highly specialized cleaning experts that strive to perform every cleaning job with passion.

We offer car seat cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning Service Geelong, and all kinds of professional cleaning services using the best cleaning method. To know about our cleaning packages and other services, give us a call today.

Share your views on carpet drying and suggestions in the comment box.

Source - https://www.olaladirectory.com.au/posts/try-these-for-the-low-budget-carpet-cleaning-and-faster-drying

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