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What should every MSME be aware of about the Udyam registration?

nisha kumari
What should every MSME be aware of about the Udyam registration?

MSME (Micro, Medium, and Small Enterprises) account for more than a third of India's GDP and employ over 110 million people. Small businesses, on the other hand, are particularly vulnerable to financial instability during economic downturns, when demand falls and the business cycle slows. This was evident during and after the COVID-19 pandemic's closure. The government has revamped Udyog Aadhaar into the new Udyam registration scheme in order to bring India's SMEs together under one roof and provide them a variety of benefits.

You can apply for the Udyam registration system, which is a new online registration scheme if you operate a small business. The Udyam registration platform is used by the Ministry of MSME to register firms.

The Udyam registration procedure is simple and user-friendly, allowing MSMEs to register immediately on the internet. You can submit your application online using the Udyam Registration Portal, and upon completion, you will receive a permanent Udyam Registration Number as well as an e-certificate. Any organization that falls within the MSME category is eligible to register.


Each MSME category has a single investment and turnover-based eligibility requirement.


  • Microbusinesses must invest less than Rs 1 crore and generate less than Rs 5 crore in revenue.
  • Small businesses must have a turnover of less than Rs.50 crores and an investment of less than Rs.10 crores.
  • Medium-sized businesses must invest less than Rs.50 crores and have a turnover of less than Rs.250 crores.


If your company meets any of the two requirements, it will automatically be assigned to the higher category. Only if both the investment and turnover requirements fall into the lower group will your business be put in the lower category.

Procedure for registering

The Udyam registration is for new entrepreneurs who have not yet registered as an MSME or under the Entrepreneurs Memorandum II. You can migrate or re-register under the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum, including helping filing cases, if you were previously registered under the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum.

To sign up, visit the website and complete the registration form. It's a self-declaration-based, paperless method. Because registration is purely based on the Aadhaar number, there are no fees or levies. The online application is processed by a Registration Executive. Once the registration certificate has been successfully completed, it is delivered to the registered email address.

The Udyam registration system is connected to the Income Tax and GSTIN systems. Udyam registration will need GST registration and a PAN starting April 1, 2021.

The advantages of enrolling with Udyam:

One of the most significant benefits of registering is the ability to apply for bank loans without putting up any security. These loans are accepted by the government, the Small Industries Development Bank of India, and the Ministry of MSME Credit Guarantee Trust Fund Scheme.

  • Udyam registered MSMEs can also use an overdraft as part of the Credit Guarantee Trust Fund Scheme. They are also eligible for interest rate reductions, however, the amount varies per bank.
  • With an Udyam certificate, it is easier to apply for a variety of official licenses, certificates, and registrations in India.
  • These companies can also take advantage of the credit-linked capital subsidy program.
  • If MSMEs are registered, they can also participate in government bids and obtain a waiver on the earnest money deposit.
  • When it comes to visiting international trade exhibitions and marketing or presenting their goods and services, they are also given special consideration.


Furthermore, as a registered MSME, you are entitled for a variety of tax breaks and incentives, including:

  • Costs of ISO certification are reimbursed.
  • Electricity costs are reduced.
  • Waiver of stamp duty and registration costs
  • Exemptions from direct taxation
  • Patent registration subsidy
  • Barcode registration subsidy
  • Patent registration and industry promotion subsidies

Suggested Read- udyam registration benefits in hindi

To manage registration and follow-up with registered MSMEs, the Ministry of MSME has created Champions Control Rooms in a number of institutions and agencies. In addition, the District Industries Centres will operate as a single point of contact for district-level facilitation. The Udyam registration, which takes effect on July 1, 2020, offers a slew of benefits while promoting the mantras "Atmanirbhar Bharat" and "Vocal for Local."


nisha kumari
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