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how many pages is 800 words

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how many pages is 800 words

To write an essay of 800 words, you need to pay attention to the subject, content, and valid points to be included. But another important factor is definitely the essay structure which shapes up your essay and gives it a proper flow. An how many pages is 800 words essay might fit on multiple sheets or only a few, it depends upon the font size and style. Speaking in terms of the fundamental standard, with the size of 12 in Arial or Times New Roman font, your 800 words article can take up one and three-fifths of a page (when single-spaced) or Three and one-fifth of pages (when double spaced).

How to write 800 words?

If you are instructed specifically to write exactly 800 words, you can divide your article into four main sections: title, introduction, body, and conclusion. Try to write the specific number of words given below.

Visit us for more info: https://www.ivedahelp.com/education/how-many-pages-is-800-words-essay/

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