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Start Having Fewer Virtual Meetings

Nina McPherson
Start Having Fewer Virtual Meetings

"This meeting could have been an email." You've probably seen this virtual meeting meme at the start of the COVID-19 2020 pandemic when the frequency and length of virtual meetings dramatically increased. This meme might be silly, but it speaks the truth. Most meetings can indeed be an email or communicated via other asynchronous communication methods. That's precisely what this article is all about: learning how to have fewer virtual meetings, by leaning into asynchronous collaboration. As much as the tools are important, there's another part that makes up whether you successfully manage to run fewer meetings virtually - your ability to effectively plan them while at the same time, keeping your employees engaged.


How to Have Fewer Virtual Meetings with Asynchronous Meeting Tools

In a 2020 meeting survey with 757 respondents from the US, workers reported that there has been a 22% increase in short meetings (30 minutes or less). However, only 11% of the respondents reported feeling productive in these meetings. Since remote work has become the norm, Zoom calls have become the default mode of communication. While these online meetings are necessary to succeed remotely, they should be optimized along with the asynchronous meeting tools your team is using. Now, back to the main question, how do we have fewer virtual meetings?


Read the complete article at complish.app to know how.

Nina McPherson
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