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Crowns Major Steals Win at Galway Races

Takuya Hiya
Crowns Major Steals Win at Galway Races

Crowns Major closed out a win in the Galway Races and proved that he can deliver a win despite being four years of age.

Emmet Mullins got more than what he wanted as soon as Crowns Major came up with a win at the Galway Shopping Centre Handicap. It was still one of the best wins for a horse like Crowns Major as he took home a huge cash prize en route to the win.

There was €100,000 prize money waiting for the winner in the races, and it seems that Mullins was not even ready to win at that point. When Crowns stepped up the speed, it was all over as the horse went on to win the event in a fair run that saw him lead for almost a long stretch.

At the age of four, Crowns came up second in a local horse racing contest with a difference of two miles. The horse won a bumper at the Punchestown Festival and was ridden by 7lb claimer Wesley Joyce. That was a huge relief for Mullins and he saw more of a big win than he expected to claim.

How Crowns won the race

Joyce went on to kick a furlong out and closed out a race with a huge dash late in the race and left other horses behind. Mullins was pleased with the win and knew it was a lucky one for him.

‘It was a brilliant performance, especially from Wesley here in Galway around a tricky track in a big handicap like that. He was very cool on him and we’re delighted’, said Mullins. ‘The trip was definitely a worry, but to be fair they went such a slow gallop in the two-miler the other night, and he was keen – that may as well have been a mile-and-a-half race’.

This win only proves that Crowns still has a lot of races left to go. The horse has been one of the best icons in horse racing and this means a lot for Mullins in the long run. He has invested well in Crowns and this win gave him a great vision in the next few months.

How Crowns impressed Mullins

It was his first run in a handicap in the races and the years of experience have paid off well. It was a huge pot, a great race and Crowns did well to win it. As Mullins says, the horse is paying off in spades now.

‘It was always the plan to target these premier handicaps with him, the November Handicap, the Cesarewitch and the likes’, Mullins said. ‘He’s an exciting horse going forward’.

This just means that Crowns has what it takes to dash off in races and score big lengths when pushed to the limit.

Joyce also praised the way that Crowns played in his race. He jumped well with Crowns and sat behind the leaders for a short while before he was able to take over for the race. Joyce came along and picked them up and gave the horse a total of two slaps and then ran all the way home. That proved that local horse racing can pay off well. 

Now that Joyce has proved his worth at this point, Crowns will also get more chances in the later races that 2021 has to offer as well. Who knows, maybe Mullins and the rest of the crew can get more chances to win more races over the year.



Takuya Hiya
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