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Hemp Cream For Pain Relief

Nipa Sarker
Hemp Cream For Pain Relief

It even more challenging but it looks like it's going to be a good event is expecting uh 50 to 60 exhibitors not quite as many as we had in detroit in june we had like 250 but a lot of those are out state people what you're going to see in grand rapids at the del deplex well you can go back and forth between the ultimate frisbee competition at garfield park and go over to the deltaplex they're not that far apart and then so uh you're gonna you know and it's cheap it's only like twenty dollars for a day pass uh because the beauty of that is the deltaplex is putting it on so they don't have to pay for the facility right it cuts down on your costs so exciting news you can read more at mi marijuana report hemp cream and back is it back to blame now or we're going dave let me i just wanna you mentioned we were talking about the marijuana side and i just want to make uh you let everybody know we met with the michigan chamber of commerce one of our sponsors viridis.

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Laboratories and lansing greg marchand uh helped put this together so we're creating a michigan safe cannabis coalition it's a combination between the marijuana and the hemp side under the michigan chamber umbrella to give us some more lobbying stout so super excited about that you know there's things happening that's good and i i just want to introduce uh my good friend and business partner tony solano it's his birthday today should we let's not sing happy birthday to our voices they would like happy birthday.

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Tony uh you know say howdy you know you're muted right now and uh uh what's going on tony hey everybody i'm saying howdy and i'm shutting up until we take care of neogen first because i'm dying to hear what you guys have to share okay so how's your boo-boo doing are you getting that all worked out just fine no issues i got my antibiotics 48 hours in the hospital did me a whole lot of good stopped me dead in my tracks and i've gotten more sleep in the last 24 hours and in the last 24 weeks oh yeah yeah yeah tony flies into michigan slimming gel and he's been so supportive of what i've been going through and i've been pushing him around in a wheelchair it's like what the hell told me dave you know a little weight there a little

Nipa Sarker
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