It even more challenging but it looks like it's going to be a good event is expecting uh 50 to 60 exhibitors not quite as many as we had in detroit in june we had like 250 but a lot of those are out state people what you're going to see in grand rapids at the del deplex well you can go back and forth between the ultimate frisbee competition at garfield park and go over to the deltaplex they're not that far apart and then so uh you're gonna you know and it's cheap it's only like twenty dollars for a day pass uh because the beauty of that is the deltaplex is putting it on so they don't have to pay for the facility right it cuts down on your costs so exciting news you can read more at mi marijuana report hemp cream and back is it back to blame now or we're going dave let me i just wanna you mentioned we were talking about the marijuana side and i just want to make uh you let everybody know we met with the michigan chamber of commerce one of our sponsors viridis.
Can Hemp Cream Help Relieve SCIATICA Pain
Laboratories and lansing greg marchand uh helped put this together so we're creating a michigan safe cannabis coalition it's a combination between the marijuana and the hemp side under the michigan chamber umbrella to give us some more lobbying stout so super excited about that you know there's things happening that's good and i i just want to introduce uh my good friend and business partner tony solano it's his birthday today should we let's not sing happy birthday to our voices they would like happy birthday.
5 kind Hemp Cream
Tony uh you know say howdy you know you're muted right now and uh uh what's going on tony hey everybody i'm saying howdy and i'm shutting up until we take care of neogen first because i'm dying to hear what you guys have to share okay so how's your boo-boo doing are you getting that all worked out just fine no issues i got my antibiotics 48 hours in the hospital did me a whole lot of good stopped me dead in my tracks and i've gotten more sleep in the last 24 hours and in the last 24 weeks oh yeah yeah yeah tony flies into michigan slimming gel and he's been so supportive of what i've been going through and i've been pushing him around in a wheelchair it's like what the hell told me dave you know a little weight there a little

The prices seem to be pretty good they don't have much of a selection i hope that changes in the future wanted to try them out here on the channel because the price is right so today i have one of my least favorite strains this is their lifter with lifter you either like it or you hate it i just do not like the terpenes on lifter i don't like the effects it's not uplifting to me it's a very cloudy hazy strain that oftentimes gives me headaches they only have three strains available.Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Hemp CreamIt was either this hemp cream or the super sour space candy the super sour space candy awful name not their fault oregon cbd totally they should be in jail for that name but super sour space candy that might even be sold out by the time i post this video which they did include a sample of i got the lifter let's just go ahead i always have a pocket knife on me i didn't bring my that's that's that was not a good idea do not all right after i almost set off the smoke detectors and burned my fingers they sent over a sample little sample of their super sour space candy smells pretty good that might be sold out by the time i post this content.Hemp Bombs Hemp CreamBut you know it's a strain i like more than lifter it has a really nice sour sprite smell to it anyways though let's get back to this lifter there's the packaging simple i think this is like a compostable or a recyclable bag this isn't regular mylar which i really like less less waste less pollution so before we get to that the only thing that came in the package is this little envelope here a business card a sticker and notice two officials so this is their letter to law enforcement right here and there's a qr code right there too so no paper test results in here i encourage and advise all companies to ship their product with physical copies of their test results all right so the qr code takes you to full certificate of analysis and a terpene report so that's cool it looks like this lifter comes in at 16.5 percent slimming gel respectable amount 0.62 total thc so respectable above average 2.26 total terpenes all right before i open this what are we expecting i'm expecting a sweet cheesy smell that's typical lifter especially outdoor lifter just has this kind of sweet funky cheesy smell it's not very appeasing to me okay so this is all sweet and no cheese this just smells it smells kind of like glade air freshener like a a nice springtime berry scent or something very light very airy no grass or hate smell no gas no skunk just a very airy breezy floral berry smell this is just a gram it's a pretty big bag for a gram check that out we got two different phenotypes right here we have a more purple phenotype and then right here we have the classic kind of dark green pine green lifter the trim looks good though the flower looks good decent little amount

The pipe header you know if you're familiar with uh television shows like csi there's usually there we go science is usually that scene where they're you know trying to catch the criminal and someone's using the pipettor on the scene so it's very easy um i'll try to describe it as best i can for the for the listeners so you just depress it with your thumb and if you go all the way down this is a single stop pipettor that we supply with this kit so if you go all the way down you're going to hemp cream submerge the tip into the sample and then you're going to pull up with your thumb and that's going to pull up 100 microliters so a very small sample volume you know for this test again making it blaine proof yeah making it blame improvement making it blane is slimming gelon the box that it says it's plain proof or not well and for your listeners uh you know think about this as a you know really really precise uh drop or eyedropper if you will you're you're measuring a really hemp cream specific small volume very precisely but that's essentially what it is is you're sucking up some liquid.Hemp Cream can Help My PainAnd then you're dropping it into another another uh a container uh in a precise way better than a turkey baster exactly exactly more precise than a turkey baster you know what's funny about csi nate somehow i recognize that every scientist on tv is better looking than jesse and i and i don't know what the deal is with that i don't believe it either so so i went into the slimming gel kit and i pulled out a sample cup and a dilution bottle so each kid is going to have 25 dilution bottles 25 sample cups and 25 hemp cream devices so this next step is a dilution step we're going to uncap the dilution bottle it has a buffer five milliliters of buffer in there we're gonna pull up like i described using the turkey baster right fat we're gonna pull up 100 microliters.A Complete Guide on When to Harvest HempWe're going to put that into the dilution bottle now this is an important step to get this measurement right so if you see any bubbles or any particulate matter in your pipette tip you want to get a new pipette type and start over so this this this part is important this dilution step now i'm going to cap the bottle that has my extracted sample and dilution buffer and then i'm just going to invert it gently 10 times and so this is mixing up the sample making it uh nice and homogeneous this slimming gel is where you can do like the jeopardy theme song or something cue the music so that's it there and i'm gonna uncap the diluted sample and then this is another important part it's always important to have a fresh pipette tube we had a concentrated extracted sample before now we have a diluted sample so if you use the same pipette tip you're going to cross contaminate that sample and over

That sense and there we go three point five exactly and then we would print you off the labels i'm going to take this home and i would be good to go and that's how this process works which i'm sure for some of you that live in you know cannabis legal states and medical states that's very normal but for somebody that's lived in a prohibition state for a long time being able to purchase cannabis like this is just mind-blowing so zach was kind enough to invite me hemp cream behind the counter to see what it looks like from a budtenders perspective and immediately it's very different because earlier i showed you how we have all the effects on the back and the chemical profile and stuff i see that when i'm looking at one of these but on the back side there's a whole big row of a whole bunch of products so if a patient said i don't want sleepy i want say euphoric or excited.
I could immediately take a knee and just scan very quickly and ah here we are euphoric right there this one's got focus and the two i want to look at today are sage og since this is the one that we harvested this morning and frosted kush as well since this is one that we looked at quite a bit but we did not harvest these were a little bit young let's get these guys nice and open this is frosted kush and as you can see it's incredibly well frosted it's uh it's drowning and frosting effectively this is described as relaxed sleepy hungry and uplifted 25 thc so we saw some of these guys in their much younger stages today this is final product and the one that we actually harvested today was sage og so at the end of all that work all the curing all the drying and all the processes this is what you end up with and this is what is sold to patients and this one is described as and it's another 25 thc which is pretty high it says happy euphoric uplifted relaxed and creative medical purposes relieve stress anxiety pain depression and insomnia so actually looks uh really good oh i'm like trying to film do a youtube video here but my mind just fixates on the buds i don't even think they'll look at the camera anymore because i'm just so drawn into these little these little beautiful girls here i'm going to put this back hopefully having not made a mess for anything because we do not want to mess these up for future customers we're here at a new section and with a new bud tender dominic what are we about to look at down here.
High Times Hemp Cup Product ReviewsBelow so down here we're going to be our shake option okay yet another section yet another bud tender we're back with blake what section are we taking a look at now looking at the edibles today okay we got just about anything and everything you want for edibles we have our slushie machine over here okay this this i want you to explain you talked about this a little bit earlier this is amazing this is probably sitting in the back of the last shot so as it was explained to me earlier this is a slushie machine that people can order through the drive-through or in here and they get a slushie and you mix in thc syrup right and where are these syrups at the syrups are right over here okay non-flavored slushy to take away in your and then you're going to get your oma certified you know little shot that you can pour in it all different flavors to choose from strawberry margarita these ones are 100 milligrams and lower thc for the shots.Hemp & Regenerative AgricultureThat you can pour in but for these hundred-milligram ones we recommend that you take it slow you start less is always more you can always take more but you can never take less so a customer would get numbing cream 100 milligrams in the slushy form in one of these little guys that is impressive and a hot day people really really like it so it's a big seller for summertime okay there was one item i saw down here on the bottom that i would love for you to explain to me uh this let's go ahead and get it out because it's so far down it's hard to film and that's appropriate because oh yeah this is the best i don't know who made this or why they thought it was a good idea but this is a cannabis suppository.

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