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Georgian wine qvevri

aaron ruslee
Georgian wine qvevri

Buy Georgian Wine Qvevri, Rkatsiteli winefrom our family winery Sada-wine.com. We offer you a unique range of the best Georgian wine which is specially made with over 500 varieties of indigenous grapes with ancient winemaking traditions.

Please Click here:- https://www.sada-wine.com

The story of our winery roots back to over half a century ago when our grandfather Zurab Mzekalashvili started growing Rkatsiteli grapes and producing Qvevri wines in the wine cellar at his home in Kvareli. His passion and love for viticulture and winemaking spread to the entire family and inspired us to continue our family tradition of making unique wines with highest quality, using some specific technologies that our grandfather shared with us.

History of Georgian Wine

Did you know that Georgia produces some of the world’s most unique and distinctive wines with over 500 varieties of indigenous grapes and ancient wine-making traditions that span centuries? Archaeological evidence published by Professor Patrick McGovern, a molecular archaeologist from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology confirms that Georgia is the oldest wine-making nation in the world with the wine residues dated back to 6000 B.C.


aaron ruslee
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