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Download Netgear Genie App for Extender Setup

Download Netgear Genie App for Extender Setup

If you want to access a blazing-fast internet in each and every corner of your home, then it is highly recommended to perform Netgear extender setup using the Netgear Genie app. Now, you may be pondering how to do that. Walk through this article to know how to set up your extender via the Netgear Genie app that supports iOS, Android, as well as Windows 10 OS.



How to Download Netgear Genie App on Smartphone?



Follow the instructions given below to perform Netgear extender setup by downloading the Netgear Genie app on your smartphone:



  • To begin with, select an appropriate location for your extender. Place it in a ventilated and tidy area. Also, remember to keep your extender away from the corners and concrete walls.



  • Now, connect your Netgear extender to a working wall socket and switch on the Power button. Make sure that the extender is receiving an adequate power supply.



  • Establish a connection between your extender and router. You can connect both devices either by an Ethernet cable or wirelessly.



  • Once you establish a strong and secure connection between the extender and router, unlock your smartphone and download the Netgear genie app. If you are the owner of an Android smartphone, then go to the Play Store, and download the Netgear Genie app. To download the app on an iOS device, go to the Apple App Store.



  • Once the installation of the Netgear Genie app completes, launch the app. Refer to the user manual and fill in the default login credentials in the required fields. Tap on the Log In button. As soon as the Netgear genie setup wizard appears, follow the on-screen prompts to complete Netgear extender setup.



How to Download Netgear Genie App on Windows 10?



You might be familiar with Netgear extender setup via mywifiext. But, do you know that you do the same using the Netgear Genie app on your PC? Given below are the instructions to perform extender setup using the Netgear Genie app on Windows 10:



  • Start by placing your extender and router in the same room. Connect them using an Ethernet cable.



  • Don't forget to keep your Netgear extender away from devices like cordless phones, baby monitors, Bluetooth speakers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, mirrors, and fish tanks. The reason being, they create WiFi interference.



  • Switch on your PC and launch a web browser of your preference. Install an Emulator on your PC so that you won't face any issues while downloading the Netgear Genie app.



  • Once the installation finishes, launch the app and create a Netgear account by providing your name, email address, and password. Enter the default login credentials to log in to your extender.



  • The Netgear Genie setup wizard will appear on the screen. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and complete performing Netgear extender setup.



  • Once the extender gets installed, connect your WiFi compatible devices to Netgear_ext and start enjoying a blazing-fast internet.



It is easy to set up an extender via the Netgear Genie app. But, some users face difficulties while doing so. If you don't want to be one of them, keep the following points in mind:



  • Don't power up your Netgear extender using a surge protector. Use a UPS to protect your extender from power outages.



  • Maintain a clear line of sight between the extender and router, that is, there should not be any obstruction between both devices.



  • Don't proceed with Netgear extender setup until the power LED glows green.



  • Fill in the correct default login credentials to log in to your extender. Avoid typos while doing so.



  • Make sure that all the wired connections are finger-tight, and the Ethernet cable used to connect the extender and router is damage-free.




Summing Up



This was all about how to perform Netgear extender setup by downloading the Netgear Genie app on your smartphone and Windows 10 PC.. If you found this article helpful in setting up your extender, then leave a word of appreciation in the comment section.


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