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Retro t shirts

Ronny Alfred
Retro t shirts

Retro t shirts

Our sales go towards charity causes. Easy 100 Day Returns on all orders. Ethically produced and printed in Sydney.

Shop Now: - https://lonelykidsclub.com/

Lonely Kids Club was formed in 2010 by a boy called Warwick. At this time he was failing his construction degree and had an unhealthy addiction with T-shirts. Eventually the decision was made to drop out of construction, and instead fly over to Europe for a while, returning with a solidified idea to launch a gender neutral clothing brand and pursue his dream. Driven by this passion, Lonely Kids Club was launched officially in the early months of 2011, as an independent label that believed in the principle that clothing should be personal.

Lonely Kids Club is a brand that is kept alive by the support it receives. We try give back to those who dig our clothes by keeping the threads both affordable and of exceptional quality. We refuse to waver on any of our principles such as our belief in ethical production and sustainability. We also refuse to mass produce any of our goods as we believe in individuality. Despite the rapid expansion the brand has received in recent years, every item is still sent with an original drawing and every T-shirt is still printed personally by the label’s founder. No sweatshop is involved in any phase of production.

Lonely Kids Club firmly believes in the principles of slow fashion. We work with a seamstress in Sydney on handmade small batch products, and otherwise print all of our ethically produced garments on order ourselves here in Sydney. We focus on environmental impact reduction, use leftover materials often, and do not discard any clothing. All our items are packed and shipped with love from our studio in Sydney.

Encouraged by the personal experiences of the brand's owner, we launched our website in March, 2011 with the mission to offer completely gender neutral clothing. No items are categorized by gender, we don't segment our marketing to target any gender(s) and we use simpler sizing guides to help provide a more accessible order process. Gender Neutral Clothing and accessibility are at the core of our brand values.

Lonely Kids Club promotes our own community/safe space called Lonely Kids Club Club, which is a private Facebook group anyone is welcome to join. We create a fun atmosphere where people can feel comfortable posting selfies, reach out for help if needed, or just post wholesome memes. We dedicate time to creating fun activities for the group and invite you to have a look and make your first post.

Lonely Kids Club is also an avid supporter of mental health awareness. We are very vocal on social media about supporting mental health awareness and making it a less taboo subject. We are also very passionate about diversity, equality and breaking down gender stereotypes. Lonely Kids Club is a safe space that invites people of all ages and gender identities to enjoy our clothing. You’re always welcome in this family.

Snazzy 100% organic combed cotton (grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides & Global Organic Textile Standard certified) dresses with fun prints. Our dresses feature a scoop neck and slim fit. They have fabric binding on neck, are side seamed, and preshrunk to minimise shrinkage.


Here at Lonely Kids Club we take the emails we receive very seriously. If you would like to request a media kit, interview or just like to send comments we’d love to hear from you. Our email is mail@lonelykidsclub.com.

If you’d rather talk over the phone, we can be contacted Monday – Saturday between the hours of 10am-5pm via 0431 897 005.

If you are sending an email that requires the use of an attachment please send an email directly by clicking here. Otherwise, please fill out the form provided below:

Ronny Alfred
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