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Studio52 - Official Media Partner of Expo 2020 | Event Coverage Dubai

Studio52 Media Production
Studio52 - Official Media Partner of Expo 2020 | Event Coverage Dubai

Dubai, United Arab Emirates:  

Studio52 has officially partnered with Expo 2020 Dubai to deliver tailor-made experiences to the millions of people set to visit the global event.

The Partnerships Team sources and services Commercial & Official Media Partners of Expo 2020, who are set to grow in number as Expo 2020 approaches. 

The expert team at Studio52  has produced event coverage for corporate events, live shows, big events, event videography, event photoshoot, event filming and more. 

Irrespective of the scale of your event and where it is being held, Studio52 media production company will create a masterpiece event video that you will be proud to highlight to your existing and potential customers, as well as to your management, suppliers, dealers, and business partners.

If you are planning for Event Videography & Photography or are searching for Professional Videographers & Photographers for your event, Studio52 is the only entity you should consider for high-quality event video production at a competitive cost. Our experience in event coverage and live streaming makes us an ideal choice for anyone looking for exemplary event video services in Dubai as well as the UAE.


Studio52 Media Production
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