Humans have always been searching out and inventing new and easier ways to communicate with each other. Cell phones were convenient when they first arrived, but now-a-days you don't even have to make a call to get the message you want out to anyone and everyone.
Text messaging isn't just for the kids anymore. With the advent of “smart phones” like the Blackberry, businesses have begun to use SMS Auto Reply Android Apps (or Short Message Service) to keep everyone in the company connected at all times. The convenience of the feature is almost unlimited.
You don't have to worry about a call interrupting a meeting. Your phone will light up and you can check the message without being a bother to anyone.
Privacy is also a nice benefit to SMS. No need to worry about your conversation falling on prying ears when there's nothing to hear. Not to mention how cheap it is. Even individuals have a difficult time finding a good voice plan might be able to find a decent alternative with a text messaging bundle. In fact, you don't even have to own a cell phone any more to send out SMS messages.
With some services you can send one message to 1,000 people at once and never even touch a cell phone. They can also send a reply text and you'll receive it in your account's inbox. You begin by purchasing credits, which you can then use to send SMS messages. There are different quality delivery methods that will run you different amounts of credits, and the standard rate is one credit per text.
A bulk SMS service like this is great if you are already over your bill for texts, don't have a plan that supports texting, or want to get a lot of texts out for a minimal amount of money. For example, you could host a talent show and use this service to have people text their votes in for who they think should win.
If you were thinking of starting a business similar to the commercials you see on television where they offer horoscopes and hook up singles via text messaging, you might also want to look into a service like this. While you may run into an alternative as you build your business up, this is a great way to get started.
Another similar website is LeMiApps.com which offers downloadable SMS Auto Reply Android App for sending bulk SMS messages. You can also personalize your messages using a template feature to send messages to clients using their name to make it a bit more friendly.
Communicating has never been easier than with the help of text auto reply sent by SMS Autoresponder.