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7 Points Checklist for Mobile Health App Development

Valerie Dixon
7 Points Checklist for Mobile Health App Development

In 2021, most people prefer to solve their problems via smartphones. Healthcare is no exception. Especially in our COVID-19 realities, where almost everything depends on online services. Add to this the increasing number of chronic diseases and use the wearables. Thus, the reason for healthcare digitization becomes clear. This and plenty of other factors make the industry attractive for businessmen and investors.

In this article, we are going to overview the most popular medical healthcare apps, their types, features, and benefits. Let’s go on!

mHealth apps market statistics

Mobile healthcare is a broad term that includes the wide variety of applications used on smartphones from pharmacy apps to telemedicine apps. The advantage of mHealth is that technology allows our patients to become more actively involved in seeking care. This allows doctors to reduce the frequency of emergency room visits by keeping track of chronic conditions. Mobile health as a subset of telehealth is one of the fastest-growing market segments rife with these new tools. So, let’s discuss the main numbers of the industry.

  • The global market for mHealth devices in 2019 is $37 billion.
  • 93% of doctors believe mHealth apps can improve patients’ health.
  • According to Forbes, there were about one million patients in telemedicine in 2015. By 2018, the number of patient visits increased to seven million.
  • About 64% of US adults regularly use a health measurement app.
  • The COVID-19 outbreak triggered a drastic surge in market value and it’s now projected to reach nearly $100 billion by the end of 2021. It is worth mentioning that in 2020, the mHealth market size was valued at over $45 billion.
  • According to a report from ResearchAndMarkets, the global mobile health market is expected to reach $316.8 billion by 2027. Statista expects this figure to rise even higher to $333 billion by 2025.

Mobile medical app development checklist 

Before you dive into the difficulties of healthcare app development and design, it is important to conduct market research that can significantly influence the development of your healthcare mobile app.

Identify problems that you want to solve

Perhaps you want to create a fitness app that helps users keep fit. Or, you want to save users money on drug purchases.

Define your target audience

The target audience is not just the people who will be using your application. This is a whole market, segmented by many factors such as country of residence, age, education, average income, and much more. For sure, you don’t want to target the wrong audience, so learning and understanding your target users is extremely important.

Study your competitors

Continuing from the previous point, we recommend that you compile an up-to-date list of competing apps before submitting yours to stores. Gather basic information: launch date, average rating, number of updates. Study user reviews as you will need them to better understand the interests and preferences of your audience.

Choose a monetization model

Almost any digital product is designed to generate income. To do this successfully, you need to choose a monetization model. There are few typical models. I.e., advertisement, freemium, subscription, or paid.

Determine what platforms to use

Depending on the target audience, the next step is to determine which platforms and technologies to use for your project. The choice of platform (iOS or Android) depends on various factors, both economic and user-centric. I.e., older people are less likely to use wearable devices. They prefer websites and tablets.

Create an MVP and test it

The time factor is important for startups. No matter how many steps there are in the healthcare application development process, one of its main principles is not to delay the launch of your product until the moment when it is no longer relevant or gives way to your competitors.

Collect reviews, update, repeat

So you’ve released your MVP. It’s time to collect and analyze user reviews. Don’t neglect the audience’s opinion, as it can fuel your ideas for future updates. Once released, you can maintain the app by extending its functionality and implementing various quality of life improvements.

Important healthcare mobile application features

The development of mobile healthcare applications depends entirely on the features that go into your solution. They affect UI and UI design services, application development (client-side), back-end (server-side) development, quality assurance, and further maintenance. All of these services depend on the specific design concept of the medical application and the solution it provides.

Let’s take a look at the most common features of healthcare apps.

Create a profile

As with any other mobile app, healthcare solutions usually have a user profile. After creating an account, patients can add their personal information (name, age, chronic conditions, insurance, etc.). This type of account can also provide the ability to store your health data and include a personalized dashboard.


This feature is the most important in a mobile healthcare application. It allows you to monitor the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, calorie intake, pulse, and glucose levels. This feature is made possible by integration with wearable devices such as heart rate trackers, blood glucose meters, and other solutions.


This feature allows users to easily make appointments with a doctor or healthcare professional. They can also schedule prescriptions for medications, sleep times, water consumption targets, and more. From a doctor’s perspective, they can effectively manage their schedule and track how patients are following doctors’ orders.


There is an increasing trend towards the integration of mobile payments. Payment features allow users to pay for medical services or insurance. It can also pay recurring bills for doctor’s visits, emergency rooms, hospitalizations, etc. Online payment in a few clicks provides great user satisfaction.

File storage

The EHR system is an essential part of any healthcare application. These systems allow physicians to store patient files and other information. As part of healthcare application development, you can enable the development of file storage and management systems for patients. This way, they can store their medical information in your solution, including any test results, X-rays, reports, and other files.

Read the full article via the link: https://code-care.com/blog/healthcare-mobile-application-development/

Valerie Dixon
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