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Main Advantages of Using Kotlin Over Java for Android App Development

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Main Advantages of Using Kotlin Over Java for Android App Development

Kotlin designed by JetBrains has turned into the favored language for the Android development industry. While it can't outperform Java as far as its fame, numerous developers accentuate Kotlin will before long turn into the predominant stage for Android development. Kotlin is authoritatively upheld by Google for mobile development on Android since the release of Android Studio 3.0 in October 2017. I have discussed about Kotlin App Development is beneficial for android app and the kotlin language has major benefits over java. I listed below some of the major benefits of using Kotlin over java for android app development services.

Shorter program for the same task

Kotlin is a statically-typed language that is extremely simple to peruse and compose. kotlin's code is a lot more modest and smoothes out the programming system, in contrast with Java. This is mostly a direct result of Kotlin’s slick IDE.

Java Compatibility

The programming language of Kotlin has interoperability in Java. It is steady with Java and numerous other related systems and apparatuses. This makes it workable for doing a change to Kotlin.On the off chance that if your items can't be written in Kotlin, both the programming languages could be effectively utilized at the same time.

Eliminating Null References

Probably the greatest benefit of Kotlin over Java is the invalid references. This null reference, alluded by Sir Tony Hoare, a British PC researcher, as The Billion Dollar Mistake. Accessing a member of a null reference result in a null reference exception

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