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Mundan MuhuratMundan Muhurat

Mundan MuhuratMundan Muhurat

Mundan Sanskar is a highly important Vedic ritual or cultural tradition that has deep scientific as well as spiritual importance. It is claimed that while the kid is in the mother's womb, microbiological contaminants grow in the hair on his or her scalp, which tend to stay and, in fact, proliferate after birth. Even after washing the baby's head, these pollutants stay on the scalp and hair.

By shaving the baby's head for the first time or conducting his or her Mundan Sanskar, all microbiological contaminants are eliminated from the baby's scalp. This procedure helps the baby's mental development and supports a healthy brain and neurological system.

When a kid goes through Mundan Sanskar, he or she loses a lot of bad karmas from previous lives that have followed them into this one. Surprisingly, according to the holy texts, Mundan is a rite that bestows a long and healthy life to the kid. Mundan Sanskar stimulates a child's subconscious mind and urges him or her to accomplish virtuous karmas in this lifetime.

Every important life event in Hindu culture takes place at a certain period of time known as a Muhurat. Depending on the transitory motions of several planets or their locations in the cosmos at any particular time, a Muhurat can be both auspicious and inauspicious.

A job or event completed during an auspicious Muhurat draws favorable cosmic energies that assure success and wealth in our lives while also dispelling any impediments that may have been in our path.

This is why people consult with Astrologers before deciding on the timing/schedule for any major life event, in order to ensure maximum planetary/cosmic support, which will ultimately result in positive outcomes in their lives and or the lives of those who are directly affected by the event or task performed.

When it comes to providing the best for their children, parents must plan their child's Mundan Sanskar according to the Muhurat and Guidelines provided by Hindu Astrology.

When it comes to a child's Mundan Sanskar, there are a few things to keep in mind: The Mundan Sanskar or Ceremony must be held in a holy or spiritual place because the sacred atmosphere in such places attracts highly positive energies that bless the child with success, health, and prosperity in his or her life ahead.

After evaluating the present transitory location of the planets as well as the child's particular horoscope, the Mundan must be performed at the Muhurat computed by an expert Astrologer.

The barber must be skilled in dealing with a child's rapid and unexpected body movement, and the shaving equipment must be clean.

Therefore, call Future Point and speak to one of our highly experienced Astrology & Vedic Experts to determine the most auspicious & appropriate Mundan Muhurat 2021 for your child. Plan your child's full Mundan Ceremony in line with authentic Vedic Rituals to draw positive and successful cosmic energy or heavenly blessings into his or her life!


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