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Billboards in Pennsylvania messaging “Making the Taliban Great Again”

Sienna Stewart
Billboards in Pennsylvania messaging “Making the Taliban Great Again”

On Wednesday, a former Pennsylvania state senator informed a news outlet that he has put up around 15 billboards locally with a photo of President Joe Biden in military gear alongside the message “Making the Taliban Great Again”. Scott Wagner is a Republican who represented a district that includes York County from 2014 to 2018. He wrote in an email that he has many reasons for sharing the message across Pennsylvania. He said, “The pull-out rushed through by President Biden had made us the laughing stock of the world. The Taliban are openly stating that they ran the United States out of Afghanistan. They are now very emboldened”. Wagner added that the freedoms young people have experienced since we landed in their country will be taken away now that the Taliban is in control Read more...

Sienna Stewart
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