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Going Digital First- What IT Decision Makers Must Know Now?

Your Team In India
Going Digital First- What IT Decision Makers Must Know Now?

Being digital seems to have got a new meaning since the coronavirus situation has hit the world. People have understood the importance of digitization, including businesses. In this article, we will deeply understand how IT decision-makers must drive change in their organizations, cope with the challenges, and pick apt solutions to overcome these challenges. 

Yes, everyone wants to go digital. However, the first step is truly understanding what that means. 

So, let’s begin by understanding its meaning first:
  • Of course, the meaning of digitization is different for different people. For instance, for executives, it is about utilizing the technology appropriately. For others, it could be a new way of engaging with their customers. And, for many others, it is an advanced way of doing business. 

It depends on what’s your need, what you are trying to achieve with digitization. However, with so many meanings, it can be pretty challenging to get it aligned with the business objectives. And, this might lead to misguided efforts leading to missed opportunities, false starts, and sluggish performance. 

What Must IT Decision Makers Know About Digitization? 

Several things! Here are a few of the most prominent ones:

1. Building Value at New Frontiers


Being digital requires being receptive to reexamining the way you do your business, and that goes for the existing businesses. And, for the newbies, it could be about how well you set up your business and create communication with your customers. For some others, it could be about identifying the new value pools in the existing marketplace. 

2. Advancing the Legacy 

Did you know that the businesses that don’t develop the maximum percentage of their apps using a cloud-native approach may risk falling behind in the marketplace? This is because cloud-native apps are designed with PaaS and incorporate independent microservices. That helps in improving the app flexibility while decreasing the time to market them. Altogether, it allows companies to deploy services and products to customers much faster. 

3. Global Employees Need to Be Embraced 


The coronavirus pandemic has certainly exposed businesses to several vulnerabilities in processes, which were not witnessed earlier. So, these vulnerabilities have pushed organizations to adopt digitization and survive conditions like pandemics. 

But, how is that achieved, especially if you are new to it? Well, it could be attained by diversifying what is offered to the customers. And, it will undoubtedly help these businesses survive the competition besides staying relevant to the customers during these times of crisis. One of the smartest moves that businesses opted for during these times was to hire offshore teams. Those who changed with time and demand were able to rule the market; others were just struggling. 

4. Creating the Culture of Digitization 

IT decision-makers need to take up the responsibility for creating the culture of digitization in the business. And, being digital must not limit to your in-house team but must extend to your offshore team and even your customers. Besides, they must even push the employees to acquaint themselves with digital tools and technologies. 

5. Core Businesses Must Go Digital to Create Value 

Digital’s next element is reexamining how they can utilize new opportunities to enhance the customer experience. Again, this is grounded in realizing how customers want their purchasing journey to be. Besides, IT decision-makers must think about how these digital opportunities can design and deploy the best experience to their customers. 

Also, digital is not just about working to deploy a satisfactory customer journey. It is also about how you implement the cyclical dynamic when business processes are constantly evolving. Making this happen needs constant commitment and being acquainted with current trends in your industry. 


Being digital is a must for businesses nowadays, especially since the pandemic has hit the world. In case you haven’t already, it is time to take your first step towards incorporating digital tools and technologies in your business. Update the internal culture, hire offshore teams, and secure your business by adopting digitization right away. 

Get in touch with us now if you intend to work with the best in the industry.

Originally posted on YourTeam in India. Click here to read more.

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