In brain tumor care, differing types of doctors often work together to make a patient’s overall treatment plan that mixes differing types of treatment. this is often called a multidisciplinary team. Your care team may include a spread of other health care professionals, like physician assistants, nurse practitioners, oncology nurses, social workers, pharmacists, counselors, dietitians, rehabilitation specialists, et al. .

Body mass index (BMI) is usually wont to diagnose obesity.
To calculate BMI, multiply weight in pounds by 703, divide by height in inches then divide again by height in inches.
Or divide weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.

Global neurology devices market is expected to reach USD 10.8 billion by 2022, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.
This expected growth in demand can be ascribed to growing need for development of different neurostimulation techniques with efficient and accurate algorithms for treatment of several CNS associated disorders.Rise in incidence of cerebral stroke and other severe disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and Parkinsonism is expected to fuel demand of neurology devices thereby driving industry growth.
According to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), approximately 50 million Americans are affected due to these disorders leading to high economic & disease costs burden for medical expenses coupled with loss of productivity.
The industry is expected to witness a considerable increase in demand for CNS related therapeutic procedures over the forecast period.Further key findings from the study suggest:Neurostimulation devices accounted for over 50% of the revenue generated in the market for 2014.
This large share can be attributed to the growing number of chronic CNS disorders, a globally ageing population and development of minimally invasive neurological and faster acting stimulation devices that attract higher market usage and penetration in the neurology devices market.Neurosurgery segment including ultrasonic aspirators, stereotactic systems, neuroendoscopes, and aneurysm clips are expected to witness considerable growth over the forecast period due to their essential nature of use in tumor removal and brain cell damage repair surgeries.North America dominated the market in 2014, with revenue estimated at over USD 2,400 million.
Presence of sophisticated healthcare infrastructure, favorable government initiatives pertaining to pharmaceutical R, cancer research, neurological R investment, and the presence of a considerably large CNS disorder patient base are some drivers of this market.Asia Pacific is expected to witness lucrative CAGR of over 8.0% from 2015 to 2022 due to the presence of high-unmet medical needs coupled with rapidly rising healthcare R investment, and growing medical expenditures in emerging economies such as India and China.

Adrenal Tumor Surgery in Delhi, India.
Adrenal gland tumors may or may not cause symptoms, which depend on the type of hormone made by the tumor.
If you have an adrenal gland tumor, your symptoms may include: High blood pressure.
The adrenal tumor treatment is there and the options for treating the disease are hormone therapy, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
All the four ways help in controlling the disease.

WHAT IS MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING?Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive, painless procedure in which radio waves and a magnetic field are assisted by a computer to create remarkably clear and detailed pictures of internal organs and tissues without the use of radiation.
Each MRI produces hundreds of pictures from side-to-side, top-to-bottom and front-to-back.
These pictures show the difference between normal and diseased tissue and enable radiologists to determine what the inside of a particular structure looks like.
The technique has proven very valuable for the diagnosis of many conditions in all parts of the body including cancer, heart and vascular disease, stroke, breast disease, joint and musculoskeletal disorders.We provide “state-of-the-art” MRI with an 18 channel system to include MRI breast imaging, breast biopsy, MRCP, body, musculoskeletal, Central Nervous System, and MR angiography/runoffs.
The technologist will ask you to lie on a table that will move into the tube-shaped scanner, that is open at both ends, after you have been comfortably positioned.
Remaining still during the exam is extremely important in order to obtain clear images.When scanning is complete, the technologist will return to help you from the table.