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How Do I Know If My American Airlines Ticket Is Refundable?

Henna Watson
How Do I Know If My American Airlines Ticket Is Refundable?

American airline is the world's largest airline in terms of its fleet size, scheduled passengers carried, and revenue passenger's mile. If you have made your reservation in an American airline and you are not sure whether it is refundable or not, you can check it quickly through various sources, which are as below.

Check your ticket type (Refundable/Non-refundable)

Read Also: American Airlines Cancellation Policy

Check your ticket online

1.      At first, go to the American Airlines official website.

2.      Locate your trip section on the homepage and click on it

3.      To retrieve your booking, enter your login details if you are an American airline member; if you don't have an account, you can click on continue as a guest.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here

Henna Watson
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