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Plastic Packaging is made by pressing plastic pellets into high-density polyethylene or PVC

Plastic Packaging is made by pressing plastic pellets into high-density polyethylene or PVC


Plastic films are the primary raw materials used for manufacture of flexible packaging, which finds wide applications in various end use industry such as food & beverages, cosmetics and healthcare industry, as they offer significant visibility to the product and provide attractive and secure packaging options.


Plastic Packaging is made by pressing plastic pellets into high-density polyethylene or PVC. The pellets are heated so they become soft and then are pressed together using a variety of machinery. After they are pressed, the plastic gets coated with additives, sometimes called fillers that give the product its desired properties.

However, due to rising consumer preferences for good health and bio based packaging material is projected to be the key challenges for the growth of plastic packaging. Also, the market leading packing industry is continuously investing to develop environment friendly and bio based packaging.

Plastic packaging drives the cutting edge solutions to innovative packaging solution, which protects fragile goods, low cost and provides easy transportation. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), is largely used as a plastic packing material, due to its high chemical resistance and tensile strength, is in turn finds wide application in various end use industries, such as chemical and cosmetics industry. Also, the un-pigmented HDPE bottles and containers are translucent and provide better stiffness and best suited for short self-life products, such as milk.

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