This blog explores some top technologies and trends that could bring massive transformation. These technologies could streamline the process in an organization resulting in employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

With the global onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives and lifestyles have been disrupted like never before.
Governments have shuttered non-essential services to prevent the spread of the deadly virus, educational institutes have resorted to online classes, and work from home has become the new normal for most businesses.The advancement of technology and our dependence on it was already on a rise before the lockdown.
And, this was simply accelerated further in the new reality brought in by the COVID-19 situation.In this scenario, where the focus is on mitigating the challenges brought up by the pandemic, modern technology has offered several solutions to make life a lot easier for everyone.Having said that, here are the top trends in technology that have emerged in the pandemic world, which will continue to reign even after the global crisis is averted.The multiple avenues of online educationDue to the lockdown, schools and colleges have had to resort to online classes to get things done.
Video conferencing has become commonplace and increased demand has been noted for e-learning resources.A major spurt in growth has also been noted in the learning apps as the students are more reliant on their mobile phones now to understand the concepts taught in class.
Even tests and assessments are being conducted online.These trends of online education are expected to continue in the post-pandemic world, as well.
After all, both the learners and the educators understand that it’s still some time before things become completely normal, and so, they will have to complete a major chunk of their curriculum online.Read Also – What are the big business ideas that will emerge from the COVID-19 Pandemic?Virtual meetings over face-to-face sessionsDiscussing post corona technology trends remains incomplete without mentioning the remote meetings.

Understanding the latest technology trend will allow people and their businesses to develop opportunities.