Weight management has been a matter of concern for many people for many years. It can be achieved through a lot of techniques and patience. Weight management is a time-consuming process and you need to keep patience for it. Weight management is a phrase used to denote the techniques and physiological processes that leads to a person ability to attain and maintain a certain weight. Due to the increasing rates of obesity among people, weight loss techniques involve meaningful ways to track your body weight from time to time and to identify different ideal body weights for different people. Proper weight management strategies focus on achieving a healthy weight through slow and steady weight loss techniques and then maintenance of the weight thereafter. Before, starting any management techniques, get an overview of its health status like if he is under some chronic disease like diabetes, the diet will be different and its management techniques.
There are many factors which contribute to your weight like calories, diet, BMR, physical activity, genetics, medications and some disease conditions. Each of them affects your weight in different ways and can be managed accordingly. Though, there are many factors contributing to it, but dietician mainly focus on a healthy and strict diet with regular exercise as it can bring change in most of the cases. The points are-:
- ENERGY BALANCE- keeping a balance on the amount of energy in take to the amount of energy expended is very important for a stable weight. This depends on which food you have included in your diet and accordingly your calorie is counted. This calorie count should be less than the energy expended, which will result in weight loss. Otherwise, it will result in weight gain.
- DIET- diet always plays a very important role in managing your weight. Including a diet which consists of green leafy vegetables, roughage, fibre and all the essential nutrients. Always avoid sugary or carbonated food as if only adds to your weight without reducing your hunger.
- PHYSICAL ACTIVITY- it is very important to expend the energy you take in through your food. Physical activity refers to some sort of exercise which is important for a healthy weight. Reports have shown, people those who are not into any physical activity have developed obesity in long run.
- BMR- BMR is referred as Basal Metabolic Rate which forms one of the important components of a person’s daily expenditure. BMR is defined as the amount of energy expended by a person at rest. It involves energy expenditure right after waking up, or in resting stage or during the time of fasting for 12-14 hours.
In case, you are overweight and want to reduce your weight in a healthy way, search in google search box “Weight Management Doctor Near Me” and visit her.
Don’t stop intaking calories at the first go, to attain a healthy weight lead a healthy lifestyle. Always start first by maintaining a difference between energy in take to energy expended.