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I accidentally watched a horror film. The modernization of Sleeping Beauty is a fairy tale, Doctor Who and the supernatural. With all the originality you'd expect from it, and perhaps too much comedy, and with the bonus of super-gritty. You can download your favorite movies at moviesverse for free.

The fact is that I did not turn it off and see

I didn't realize how scary it was at first, but the fact that I didn't turn it off and watched it on its own is probably a testament to its quality. The stylish, spooky visuals and the exciting plot kept my interest until the end, but then I was disappointed with the ending. It needed another act; 20-30 minutes to finish the thing. It only lasted an hour and a half when you add in the credits and a small summary. And strangely enough (being alone and not used to fantasy horror movies like I am). 

The film was surprisingly good

It was mostly very enjoyable and by the end, I was intrigued enough to want to continue. The ending was too loose to be good; like most horror films, it left a twist, but it wasn't unexpected enough to be satisfying in itself. Before the end, however, the film was surprisingly good. Beautifully shot, visually very unique, and exactly as scary as it should be. The unknown actors were good and believable in their roles. Surprisingly, there were no bad acting performances and they only came when the script was too cheesy. 

The main character and I liked that main character

The lead actor was convincing, but the others lacked almost any real depth. Still, they were there as spokespeople and served their purpose. The protagonist is Prince Thomas, played by Ethan Peck. I liked the protagonist and I liked that the protagonist was a 'prince'. Ever since I read The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale, I always thought that the prince would be a more appropriate character because Brianna Rose spends most of her time sleeping. 

Probably a modernization of the story of Rosie

The plot started very interesting, modernizing the story and building up the mystery, but threw a lot of things off at the beginning of the third act. For a while, it was very emotional and then it ended unsatisfactorily. The modernization of Rosie's story is probably the film's greatest strength. I would have liked it if they had stuck to the traditional story even more - adapted it to a modern setting.

The filmmakers did more than that

The horror elements were well done and quite scary, but I think the filmmakers overdid it and the original idea, which was so interesting, was lost. It doesn't bother me that it's a horror film. I thought the tone was very appropriate, but when the plot started to turn into horror, it quickly got out of hand. The style of the dream sequences is excellent and they are very fantastically and creatively done. 

The film manages to work on a low budget

I like the visuals of the film as a whole. It was very memorable and very self-contained, but I felt it was of high quality. The film manages to work on a low budget, limiting the use of special effects and working with practical tools. Of course, the practical effects contributed to the authenticity of the horror. I knew that the film was not very popular with the audience, and for a long time I couldn't understand why - but then the film ended. 

Strange things that happened in the beginning

That was the moment when everything fell apart. Even the odd things that happened at the beginning of the third act could have been easily forgiven if it hadn't been for what they led to. For me, it's not so much what happened that matters, but what was left out.

This movie feels less connected than the first movie

The film certainly feels less coherent than the first film in the three-part series. However, I seriously doubt we will see a sequel. Too bad, I probably would have watched it. If only for the happy ending. To download your favorite movies just go to bollyfuntv and enjoy the latest movies.


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