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Reports: North Korea rejects US envoy’s offer to meet ‘anywhere, anytime’ to restart talks

Egypt Tales
Reports: North Korea rejects US envoy’s offer to meet ‘anywhere, anytime’ to restart talks

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) quoted Ri on Wednesday as firmly stating that North Korea is “not considering even the possibility of any contact with the US,” adding that negotiations right now would just be “taking up precious time.”

The minister’s comments follow a similar statement from Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of North Korea’s leader, on Tuesday. Kim, who is the vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), warned that false expectations from the US could simply “plunge them into greater disappointment.”

While the US government’s special envoy on North Korea, Sung Kim, expressed hope that Pyongyang would respond “positively to our outreach,” Kim suggested America might be interpreting “the situation in such a way as to seek a comfort for itself.


Egypt Tales
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