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Compare New Holland 3630 TX Plus And Eicher 380 Tractor In india

Compare New Holland 3630 TX Plus And Eicher 380 Tractor In india

Tractors are essential farming machines which are one of the major reasons for high production. Similarly, there are many various types of tractors available in the Indian tractor market. New Holland 3630 TX Plus and Eicher 380 tractors are also included in them. They are versatile and used for farming operations. As their work is the same, but their working abilities are different. Due to their abilities, the use of these tractors is also different. 

Their innovative features and capacities are different, which creates confusion between Indian farmers about them. So, if you are confused about them, then this blog is perfect for you. Check the down section in which we compare engines, features and price range of both the tractors. 

1. Engine Capacity 

New Holland 3630 TX Plus tractor is a 55 hp tractor loaded with 3-cylinders and a 2991 CC engine. On the other hand, Eicher 380 tractor is a 40 hp tractor with 3-cylinders and a 2500 CC engine. 

2. Clutch 

The New Holland 3630 TX Plus tractor has a Double Clutch with Independent Clutch Lever, which provides easy functioning, whereas the Eicher 380 tractor has a single or dual clutch. So now it depends on you which is good for you. Besides, the New Holland tractor comes with 8 Forward + 2 Reverse or 12+3 CR* / 12+3 UG*, and the Eicher tractor comes with 8 Forward + 2 Reverse. 

3. Brakes 

New Holland 3630 TX Plus is implemented with Oil Immersed Multi Disc Brakes, while Eicher 380 comes with Dry Disc or Oil Immersed Brakes. 

4. Price 

New Holland 3630 price is affordable for farmers. And Eicher 380 price is Rs.5.60 - 5.80 Lakh*. 

For more details about New Holland 3630 TX Plus And Eicher 380, visit Tractor Junction. 

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