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Yes. Are you going back to school this year?

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Yes. Are you going back to school this year?

"Yes. Are you going back to school this year?""Yes. I loved it when you were with me." "I'll give you my contact information, so contact me." "Yes. You'll get married soon, right?" "Not yet. Should I go out with Yeon-na, too?" "Salute! Ahn Hyun-gu." "Be quiet, dude!" (Dong-yeop) Continuously. Guni and Jeong Tae-nim are paying a lot of attention. Thank you. Hyunyoung, take good care of yourself. Are you still in Korea? Thank you to many people who left a message on the guest book, including tree shade sage, Kim Han-chan, Oh Sun-mo, Kim Kwang-soo, Lee Hyun-chul, and Jinyoung. Today is the day that comes once every year. It's a special day. Have a special day, everyone. - 샌즈카지노

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