Our leadership team has over 40 collective years of experience in Recruitment, Content Services, Career Consulting, HR Consulting Services, Business Coaching, and Mentoring
We have gathered our experience and expertise in understanding what the hiring managers look for from operating in multiple cross-functional industries. We bring varied expertise along with varied expertise in delivering quality content and service.
We believe that one size doesn't fit all! concept. We don't choose to operate with a Template method, which implies that we do not believe in automating most processes and creating a Steal from earlier written CVs business model where customers are provided a homogenous service.

We firmly call it a mistake because 53% of employers prefer a candidate that has submitted a cover letter and less than 40% of job applicants care to attach a cover letter even when it’s mandatory.
Then, you should start considering writing one.
Competitive job market Every last graduate aspires to get hired in one of the top companies and so every company receives an average of 250+ job applications.
This creates a competitive environment for job seekers in the market.
Also read: How to build a job-winning resumeCover letters are influential According to a poll held by Resume Lab among 200 recruiters and HR professionals, it seems that 36% of hiring professionals start the job application evaluation process with a cover letter.
Isn’t this a solid reason for writing a cover letter that can influence hiring managers?

Many online resume builders and similar services are popping up and promising amazing results.
However, some situations may occur when you will want to create your resume from scratch.
If this is the case, you will want to improve your chances of getting a chance for an interview.
Clear instructionsThe standards have changed drastically in the last decade when it comes to resume formatting standards.
Most high-quality resume makers make sure you showcase your certificates properly and follow all the necessary, albeit unwritten, rules.This is also a great benefit if you don’t have a lot of technical knowledge since all you will have to do is type the information into the fields and still end up with a well organized and attractive resume.
At the end of the day, it would be unfair for your resume to be ignored only because the recruiter didn’t like how it looked.Convenient formattingFormatting is another component of the overall impression your resume will leave.