We’re nearly closing out 2021. It’s time to revisit a few of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations that have been passed this year. AML and KYC are critically important during onboarding and to mitigate the risk that can damage your bank or financial services company. There have been many large fines enforced, even for minor gaps in identity verification and anti-money laundering efforts. Yet, this year major issues still surfaced, including cryptocurrency theft and identity document tampering and fraud.
To read more: https://www.idmerit.com/blog/know-your-customer-2021-regulations-roundup/

IDMerit’s Anti-money laundering (AML) solution IDMaml is designed to help minimize the risks associated with money laundering and other illicit activities.
Our platform and risk-mitigation solutions will help your organization build a robust compliance program while reducing fraud.

Money laundering can encourage illegal activities and must be stopped urgently.
Sentrient helps to identify and cease potential money laundering activities, ranging from suspicious customer behaviour, international transactions, larger than normal transactions and suspicious transactions.