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Online assessments myths- BUSTED

mayank kejriwal
Online assessments myths- BUSTED

Online assessments have gained popularity in present-day recruitment. As we see potential employers trying to bridge the gap and see how well a prospective candidate fits the profile he has been picked for.

An online assessment that is high quality, extensive customizable library, and a ruthless cheating mechanism, will add great value to any organization, however big or small, by delivering insight into the selection process and the work style, ethics, aptitude, preferences, etc of an individual. But with the sudden boom in the popularity of these tools, a hoard of myths surrounding them is inevitable.

So let’s embark on a mission where we try and bust some of the most popular myths on online assessment.

Myth 1: Assessments are not accurate

Fact: Online assessment tools come to the rescue here with automated and comprehensive reports of the candidates based on their performance in the test and end up eliminating any sort of human error. These reports will be delivered straight to your desktop enabling a recruiter to analyze results with ease from their cabin. Also, they can increase the probability of hiring quality candidates and also help screen and select the best-suited candidates for a specific job profile.
They say that To err is human.
So what should you do when one bad hiring choice can affect your organization when it comes to time as well as money.

Well, there is a solution. Eliminate human bias and mistakes by bringing in automated online pre-assessment tools. Pre-employment skill testing can help you in finding a proper job fit between the candidate and the job you are recruiting for. Online assessment tools can help you here by matching the right candidate to the right job leads to increased productivity and reduced total employee turnover. One of the features of these tools includes an automated grading process that ensures all the test scores are objective and free of any type of human error.

mayank kejriwal
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