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Why Java is a Preferred Choice for Software Programmers?

Emma Jhonson
Why Java is a Preferred Choice for Software  Programmers?

Java is a programming language that can be used to create web applications, games and other software programs. This article will explore why so many developers choose Java over some of the more popular alternatives such as Python or Ruby.

Let's get started by taking a look at what makes up the innards of this powerful tool.

1) Popularity

First off, you should know that there are hundreds of programming languages out there, each with its own unique syntax and way of doing things. There’s no right or wrong answer here, but it makes sense to choose a language that’s both popular and easy to learn. According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 developer survey, Java continues to be one of most popular choices among software developers.

2) Performance

The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) creates an execution environment that can execute Java bytecode. This bytecode is executed by each JVM, which enables it to run on almost any platform. The JVM also provides memory management and garbage collection. Garbage collection removes memory objects from a program when they are no longer in use, freeing up system resources so other programs can use them.

3) Portability

Code written in Java is very portable. It can run on any computer platform, even if it’s not one that it was originally written for. And because most of today’s applications are delivered over networks, portability adds stability to an application. This makes maintenance easier and cheaper—particularly important in large enterprise environments with thousands of computers spread across multiple locations.

4) Security

The JDK and JRE include security features that prevent untrusted code from being executed on your system. For example, you can create an applet using only methods in the sandbox, so it cannot access local files or sockets on your computer. These advanced security features can be easily added to any program written in Java. With such protection, you don’t have to worry about external systems attacking your application through its interfaces.

5) Libraries

One of JAVA’s biggest advantages over other languages is its plethora of libraries. These libraries provide you with all kinds of functionality for free and there are tons to choose from. The sheer number and variety can be overwhelming, but each library does something specific—unlike C++, which has its own built-in library called STL (Standard Template Library), meaning it cannot easily be replaced. Also unlike C++, JAVA has separate packages for input/output operations like files.


Java provides a platform for developers to build web-based applications. It is open source, object oriented programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM enables Java code to be executed in different environments including smartphones, tablets and other devices.

Java has been designed with security as one of its main objectives which helps companies avoid costly cyber attacks because it does not allow programs from unknown sources or unsigned content. There are also no known viruses targeting the java environment today.

If you’re looking to improve your company’s infrastructure or solve problems within existing systems, you may want to consider hiring some java developers today.

As per(Wikipedia) -The popularity of this software can be attributed largely to its implementation by many large tech firms such as Apple and Google who use it extensively in their products like iPhones, iPads and Android phones respectively. Developers using Java have an easier time finding.


For more details check the original source of this article: Importance of Java For Software Development & Its Applications

Emma Jhonson
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