Now depending on which kind of car you have it might not fit correctly in the vents so if it doesn't you can mount this to your windshield mount under the top of your dashboard and then you can put this part right here but if it does happen to fit in your vents use the vent clip all right it's going to look so much better i got some videos showing you how it works it also comes with usual books and plug and then follow them and you get usb a to usb type c charging cable okay now here's how it works you're gonna put this end into your vent and then on the top you're gonna snap it down that's gonna lock it into place now it'll look better when i show you in the car but right now just for demonstration purposes say my finger was your car vent your ac vent just stick it right in the vent put it on the top plug in your cable into your cigarette lighter actually gonna put usb type c let me grab a usb type-c cable right into the bottom all right you're gonna get a little light that blue light turns on now.
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It's working look at that now when you put your phone parts fold in it automatically closes and it's going to start charging now when you want to take your phone out you see that button on the bottom you just tap that button grab your phone and take it right out okay now watch this you see it's charging up hit the button take it right out now you can also this is why I said I'm going to be rocking this in my car now because you can put it in your car fully opened all right so let's simulate the vent again you're going to come in your car drop it on just like that and there it is now one thing that you got to be mindful of if you want wireless charge it has to be on the camera side okay now one thing that's one thing that's dope about the galaxy fold is it works in any orientation all right whichever way you flip it upside down or not it's going to work all right so if you're putting it upside down.
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And it's not charging then you know that you put it in the wrong way all right Giggity uh here's what you do all right so when you get in your car make sure you got the camera side down drop it on you get wireless charge and there it is when you get out to hit the button and you're good to go now my biggest concern when I bought this was is it going to stay in place when I'm driving around because I had one of these last years for the 85 phone lcd parts z42 as soon as I put the fold on it and I started driving around I hit a pothole it popped out this one right here is ultra-durable and if you don't believe me take a look at this test right here all right so here's how it looks set up in the car got it right in the ac vent plugged into a power source so let's grab a galaxy z fold charging right up now when you want to take it out press the button on the bottom there it is now.
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