Today variety is available for almost all things, whether you are shopping Caravan Gear, clothes or anything else. With so much variety available online, you may stuck which is the best for your. But don't worry, we are here to help you.
Today we will talk about Icebox. The icebox is the most important camping gear online that is used to keep the drinks and eatable items cool and safe. The two types of iceboxes available in the market- Polyethylene iceboxes and Fibreglass iceboxes.
Here are some tips to choose the right icebox for your trip-
To choose Icebox, first, you need to know the unit capacity. Ice Box is designed mainly for keeping drinks and food cold during travelling or camping outdoor activities. You also need to prepare Ice Box insulation material such as Styrofoam (or Ice Pack) and foam sheet for the division wall between Ice Box and Ice Pack, which can help Ice Box effectively retain its temperature and Ice Pack will not affect Ice Box and lower Box performance.
After you know the unit capacity, we can consider the box’s size. Icebox is portable, so we need to consider Icebox’s weight and volume according to your vehicle or outdoor activity equipment weight limitation in order to use Icebox safely.
At last, Icebox is very important for outdoor activity which has a retention period requirement. For example, Icebox can keep your food cold during an overnight trip. If you are going to have an Ice Box with similar capacity, but the insulation material that comes with each Box varies in thickness or quality, then choose an Ice Box with the best insulation material because Ice box’s insulation performance directly affects Ice Box and Ice Pack’s life span.
If your Ice Box requires you to keep it cold for over 12 hours (overnight trip), then better to go with Ice Box that comes with good insulation material, like ABS plastic outer case.
For more information and shop other camping gear such as Water Dispenser, Self Inflating Mattress, Swags, and Heavy Duty Tool Belt, visit us now.