AI Products 

Food Delivery System

Food Delivery System

Own Your Food Delivery Application With MartPro

Get Everything You Need:

MartPro provides a ready-made solution for running a food delivery system business. You get a customized app in terms of design and functionality over an app in your own brand name.

Our food delivery solutions are white labelled as per your brand requirements in a matter of few days.

Modernize Food Ordering And Delivery Application

 Food Order and Delivery Solution offers a well-designed and powerful application to help customers to make an online food order at any time where the restaurant owner will get online food orders to grow up business. 

Partnering with the best food ordering and delivery app development company will let you reach a tech-savvy consumer-base, serve local and beyond with a reasonable upfront cost. Our experienced food delivery app developers will help you balance consumer preferences with your needs and develop a food delivery app that marks your presence in the food delivery business scenario. 

Most Preferred Online Food Delivery Software

 Our online food delivery software is faster, secure, and more scalable than other software available in the market.

Restaurants all across the world are picking our food delivery solution to increase their ROI and streamline their business process.

Advanced Features To Bring Your Business Next Level

Multiple Language Integration: Nothing stops us to link with you, even our language. MartPro can function in multiple languages despite your geography. Our solution is flexible to support as many languages as needed. Targeting the audience speaking any language.

Multiple Payment Methods: A staple of any successful app, allow your customers to pay through various digital payment modes. Customers can make payments by choosing any of the multiple payment modes viz. cash, card, or wallet. 

App Notifications: Receive notifications for whenever a new registration takes place, a new sale, a new affiliate wants to connect, and much more. The delivery staff gets notified with the new order and the customer gets an alert with the arrival of delivery staff. Get updated anywhere anytime with our app. 

Real-time Tracking: Real-time tracking makes it easy for the customers to track the driver’s arrival time and his distance, which increases the performance of the business. Our real-time order tracking system helps users to track their orders on Google Maps. 

Promotional Codes: Keep your business organized and synchronized with our exclusive inbuilt POS. In a food ordering app, owners can generate different discounts and offer with conditions like COD, card payment, etc. Food ordering system software allows us to generate the promo code whenever needed. 

Wallet: Your customer can add money from their bank account to their wallet. And pay for the order from the wallet. Our solution is provided with a wallet where a user can add money to it to avoid last-minute hassles. 

For more details, Please visit our website:


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