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Location Analysis Report Of Grocery And Supermarket Store Closures In August 2020

Sam Moriss
Location Analysis Report Of Grocery And Supermarket Store Closures In August 2020



In August 2020, there were a record of 81 grocery and store closures in the United States. With seven shop closures each, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, and Michigan are the states with the most store closures in the United States.

Locationscloud Data Store tracks the locations of 89 grocery and supermarket chains across the United States. We discovered that 17 of those grocery and supermarket chains will be forced to close their doors in August 2020.


Number Of Grocery And Supermarket Store Closures By State

With seven store closures apiece, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, and Michigan are the states with the most grocery and supermarket chain store closures in the United States. These states are responsible for 34.5 % of all grocery and supermarket shop closures in the United States.

States with a majority number of Grocery stores and Supermarket Store closures


Top Cities With Most Grocery And Supermarket Store Closures

CityStateNumber of Store ClosuresChicagoIllinois5St LouisMissouri3ClevelandOhio2DallasTexas2PhiladelphiaPennsylvania2WeirtonWest Virginia2MinneapolisMinnesota2

Top Grocery And Supermarket Store Closure Chain In August 2020

In August, 7-Eleven will have the most store closures (18). Dollar General comes in second with 14 store closures, followed by ALDI with 12 store closures.

ChainStore Closures7-Eleven18Dollar General14ALDI12Save A Lot10Schnucks6

Looking for Grocery and Supermarket Store closures in August 2020? Contact Locationscloud today or ask for a free quote!

Sam Moriss
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